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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Hey, I'm glad you took my question seriously, because I too like to be up close, but sometimes you just gotta go for a quick moment. Of course, you never have any real problem leaving, but getting back in is a whole other story. Shyness is not an issue for me, so method #1 is probably a good option, but I like having method #2 in my hip pocket as well. I hate conflicts and smoldering resentment from fellow concertgoers, so I really like your good karma approach.
  2. There's no way in hell I could do that at a show. I get way too caught up in the excitement to do anything that would require presence of mind. And I actually felt kind of sheepish about following the tweets--like, just how much of a loser am I that I'm sitting at home going "oh my god" "holy shit!" while turning progressively greener with envy with each tweet? Still, it was the closest I could come to participating in the experience, and I'm grateful that someone did it.
  3. I think mainly a blogger for Scents and Subtle Sounds, but he also seems to be a fan. He posts show reviews on here under the After the Show threads. Can't remember what his name is on VC.
  4. I guessed what that meant before I looked it up. and yes, I feel the same way. Never again will I miss a run of shows like this. Never!
  5. I Think 7 Mermaid Avenues, if you count "When The Roses Bloom Again"--which maybe you shouldn't. I think it was One By One, At My Window Sad and Lonely, Airline to Heaven, California Stars, Remember the Mountain Bed and Some Day, Some Morning, Sometime. And they still managed to get in 8 Whole Love songs. Damn, I've gotta get this show. . . .
  6. Do tell! Do you do something memorable on your way out so that everyone will remember "that guy" on the way back in?
  7. Has anyone here been following the setlist as tweeted by subtle_sounds? Ah-mazing. Like a Tweedy solo show. I can't wait to read everyone's comments!
  8. Wow. i really hope there's some sort of project going on to document this Chicago run. I know there's no substitute for being there, but it's great to have DVDs like Ashes to spread the joy around a little. And I sure hope that if they are doing that, there's a direct soundboard link. The only sour note in that beautiful clip was the goddamn chatty cathy yakking it up. Why oh why do these assholes do that?? Sad to say, it's usually women.
  9. Tonight would be the perfect time. Well, so would last night, or last month, but TONIGHT would be perfect!
  10. Today is Spencer Tweedy's 16th birthday. I wonder if he'll get to take a turn on drums tonight? That would be a cool birthday present from Pop Tweedy.
  11. Oh, I am just drooling over here--so envious of you Chicagoans. Reading your comments and reactions makes me feel both more connected and more jealous, but I can't stop myself. I think I'm going to explode before this 5-night run is over. I hope it goes without saying that some one MUST be making crystalline pure recordings of every night, right?
  12. Extremely cool: A great consolation prize for those of us who are eating our hearts out right now 'cause we're not in Chicago.
  13. Any thread that inspires a Lotti post is OK by me. Not so sure I'd want Jeff to have the sexy op, but for Pat it could totally work--wouldn't even have to change his name. But aside from that little piece of amusement, what BS.
  14. It's been around since 2009, I think, but only in Europe. Looks like the Brooklyn Academy of Music is doing a production in February. http://www.rufuswainwright.com/PrimaDonna/
  15. I've just been noticing recently how much I like the way Jeff kind of slurs the V sound in the word "voice". It's most obvious on Dawned On Me but then I noticed it again in Jesus, Etc. And Poor Places. Maybe it's just that it's a soft, slippery word--one that sounds especially good coming from Jeff. And speaking of Dawned On Me, that song has really grown on me. I love the sentiment, and especially the lines "I've been taken by the sound / Of my own voice and the voices in my head"
  16. Exciting news, indeed. I love Rufus, and this one sounds great. With some of his recent work, like the opera, I admired more than enjoyed it. It must be inspiring for accomplished musicians with such different styles as Rufus and Nels to collaborate.
  17. Yep. I ordered from them and they came carefully packed and in pristine condition. Took a little while but that was fine with me. If I had room for any more posters I'd jump on these but I have more posters than walls!
  18. Got this link via email: http://www.ghost-tow...2011/Wilco2.php If anyone's going to get these posters I'd rather it be someone on here than some speculator looking to rip fans off. This is a reputable website.
  19. The Civil Wars, at the Norva, Norfolk, VA. Gorgeous! Had no idea they'd be so good.
  20. It's an embarrassing number (9). In fact I even made a separate stack of Wilco t-shirts. And that doesn't even include the gray hoodie. But one of those shirts is a real prize possession with a cool story behind it. Remember that moment in IATTBYH, backstage, where a girl is telling John she doesn't have anything for him to sign and she says "Sign my ass." Well, this is the t-shirt that got signed by everyone in the band at the time--Jeff, John, Jay, Glenn and Leroy. It's kind of hard to read, but John wrote "Cori sign my ass." Apparently, Cori left the shirt with her ex-BF and he put it up
  21. I don't know about the other shows, but at the Ryman the guitar was hand-delivered by a guy and his fiance from the Allman Brothers museum. You can hear Jeff talk about it on the taping of the second night's show, just before Impossible Germany.
  22. I just have to jump in here and say that EVERYBODY needs to support NPR. I think Wilcoworld even has it as one of their "causes." Even if only for the Wilco connection it would be worth a few bucks of tangible support, but This American Life, Fresh Air, Wait, Wait, All Things Considered--the list goes on and on. Plus whatever local programming your local affiliate has--we're lucky to have a terrific show that comes on daily called Out of the Box with Paul Shugrue--it's the only place to hear worthwhile music, IMO. And I actually think NPR is negatively affected by the fact that so many of th
  23. Aw, I feel bad for anyone who's feeling bad. Y'all should all still be floating on a cloud of post-Wilco live show bliss. I can understand maybe feeling a little cheated if you look at it in the harsh light of what might have been, but honestly, every show has its own special memories, and most of them don't have to do with exactly what lick Nels played or if Pat made eye contact with you or Glenn stood on his drum kit or Jeff made a clever diss or. . . you get the picture. Every show can't be the transcendent, once-in-a-lifetime one for the books, but you just got to see the best band in t
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