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Everything posted by Moe_Syzlak

  1. Tell that to Animal Collective, Panda Bear, Bon Iver, et al. Massive amounts of reverb seem to be part of the formula for hipness in the age of Pitchfork.
  2. What's the big deal? If someone doesn't like them, fine. If someone does, fine. They don't have to be revolutionizing music to be enjoyable to some folks. Maybe if they were drenched in reverb they would be considered hipper.
  3. The Annuals - Such Fun Dungen - 4 Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight Sparklehorse - Good Morning Spider
  4. Seriously, to me, this is much closer than, say, Coldplay and Satriani.
  5. I've stated many times that I'm not really a lyrics guy. I am drawn to music by the music way more than any lyrical message, story or poem. That said, my favorite lyrics are ones that paint an image. One I really like is... I watched waterbugs skate as they draw figure eights as they draw from the bottom of the lake as they draw
  6. These guys aren't world-changers or anything, but most of the album is catchy enough fun. But does anyone else hear the similarity between "Oxford Comma" and Tom Petty's "Don't Do Me Like That"?
  7. Yeah I was that way about Twin Peaks, but Lost is the only other show that I am that hooked on.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU-4ukw2CjY
  9. Yeah i always wonder if they are really true too. But they are funny.
  10. Yes, it's that magical time of year again when the Darwin Awards are bestowed, honoring the least evolved among us. Here is the glorious winner: 1. When his 38-caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Long Beach , California , would-be robber James Elliot did something that can only inspire wonder. He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again. This time it worked. And now, the honorable mentions: 2. The chef at a hotel in Switzerland lost a finger in a meat-cutting machine and, after a little shopping around, submitted a claim to his insurance
  11. I am generally not a fan of band names, but for some reason I like the name Wilco. I almost feel I shouldn't look in here because I'm afraid someone is going to provide an explanation of the name that will make me NOT like it anymore. Tangential rant: I hate it when individuals go by "band" names. Just call yourself Justin Vernon or Kristian Matsson!
  12. I would have given it to you. I only had about 15 minutes to try to get rid of it because I needed to get in well before Yonder took the stage. The funny thing is I sold a 300 level seat on Craig's List a week prior for full face.
  13. If it's any consolation, NYE tickets for WSP and YMSB sold out right away and I couldn't give away a 100 level ticket out front the night of.
  14. I always thought they were named after those basement doors.
  15. I've always felt that GD shows had that flow that compilations do a disservice to (unless the compilation is structured in that way), but I've never had that feeling with Phish. Other than segues that exist in a set (i.e. Mike's->Simple or Oh Kee Pah-> Suzy), I never feel anything more than a collection of songs feel from Phish sets.
  16. Saw Slumdog Millionaire in the theater and Burn After Reading on DVD this weekend. Both were mild disappointments.
  17. The Sundance Channel is doing 31 Days of Sundance this month, with a different Sundance feature each night. Take a look at the schedule and suggest some films. I've only seen No End In Sight and, while it is good, I thought the Frontline special on the same subject was better.
  18. Noble quest. Let us know what you find!
  19. In preparation for our year-long travels beginning in September: Excellent resource for anyone considering long-term travel!
  20. It makes me cry too... just not in the way I think it make you cry.
  21. I haven't listened to this yet, but it looks interesting. My guess is that a lot of it is aud, which I can't really stand to listen to, but we'll see...
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