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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. They may want to consider allowing an adult that was a victim of child rape to wake the prisoner up each morning by stomping on their balls. Just one idea.
  2. damn, sorry I missed his TV appearance. That said, I think that helps make my point on the press. I don't recall him getting on too many late night shows in the past.
  3. Part bump, part response. The press for this album has been much stronger from what I can see. I've seen some full page length adds, etc with many featured reviews. Picked this up last night and have given it a couple of spins. Possibly his best album. Based on the lack of response to Alejandro threads on VC over the years, not too many folks interested. For those that have even a subtle interest, I'd recommend picking this one up.
  4. I saw them last year at their album release party. They were very true to the sound on their album. I would consider them a solid live act. Not sure where you are driving from but they play the midwest regularly. Unless you are going up there to enjoy Summerfest, I wouldn't make a special trip. If you like the festival atmosphere, that is definitely a good one. There are a number of good bands playing there.
  5. This is great news. I'm happy for all his success with soundtracks, etc., but I'm looking forward to a proper album.
  6. Appreciate the tip...I'll add these guys to the list of bands to check out live. I really like what I have heard thus far.
  7. very sad indeed... really makes me regret not seeing him last time he passed through Chicago.
  8. Your pain wasn't all pointless. You at least saved me the time of downloading, listening and deleting. Thanks Kyle!
  9. How about Tommy's bass playing? That couldn't lift this any?
  10. Happy Birthday Beltmann! Watch a film or something.
  11. Anybody heard anything from the new one? I received "Always a Friend" on a Paste sampler. First impression is that this is his most accessible work yet. Based on two listens, that isn't a bad thing in this case.
  12. Really? I haven't heard anything from the new album but I"m almost positive that they are trying to be U2.
  13. I'm not a veterinarian, but I believe that is a deer.
  14. I'm glad someone finally stepped up and said something. MMJ is blatantly ripping Wilco off. If they use this song in a goddamn Volvo commercial, I will flip my lid.
  15. reminds me of a cross between Brutal Youth and When I was Cruel.
  16. Sorry Gogo... I know that I account for at least two of those infractions. As far as sending them early, I figured it would be ok as they could just be ignored. Thanks for letting our voice be heard regardless of our ability to follow instructions.
  17. Yes, I bought the album when it came out. I think it's his best work in years. It may be the quick nature in which he recorded and released, but I haven't seen much press on this. The album, stylistically, is all over the place. It works though. I highly recommend it.
  18. agreed... a guy can't even have a RIP thread without being critized. This, despite the fact that he was widely accepted by both political parties to be incredibly credible as a journalist. If ever to have a thread with "nothing nice to say, say nothing at all" this would be one.
  19. This was a tough exercise. I'm not sure that I have ever done this before. I tried not to put repeat bands on it. I"m fairly certain that a good portion of my top 20 will not land in the overall top 20. 1 The Replacements
  20. not exactly "streaming", huh? damn the Truckers are solid live though
  21. I think it is... they are such a great live act. Guaranteed good time, right?
  22. "_____" is totally overrated. P.S. I'm going to try and do this. I want my voice to be heard!!
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