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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I think that the Bryan Adams comments were a bit unnecessary. I'm not a fan of Bryan Adams but there really is no need to bash him. And Ryan hates country music?
  2. I think DeNiro is underrated for his more recent performances. "Meet the Parents" is brilliant as are some of his smaller roles. Yes, he has played a gangster a few too many times but the guy still delivers. He may not have the roles that he once had but his best work could still be in front of him. I, for one, don't even find Pacino remotely close.
  3. I really like it. It's a bit more subtle than most of his movies. I think Deniro is perfect despite only saying about 12 words throughout. I need to watch that movie again.
  4. Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath for me.
  5. The Kids in the Hall still "have it": Rape Kevin!!
  6. so good. We really aren't far off from having that show on tv. I could see a time. 30 Rock is so well done. "they can eat my poop"
  7. A list of favorite Kinks albums without "Muswell Hillbillies" can be perceived as inaccurate.
  8. At least someone was paying attention. Great episode. I sure hope you weren't the only one to catch this.
  9. I love Naked Raygun. Throb, Throb and All Rise will always have a special place in my heart
  10. It is horrible. Glad to hear that it didn't completely convert you.
  11. I was, and am, a big fan of the British version. I just felt that Carrell would bring a different spin to it.... and he clearly has. The American version has a softer side but it is also more laugh out loud funny. British version is much more subtle.
  12. 100% agree with everything here. As far as HIMYM, Ted is borderline irritating and Robin is almost without purpose on the show. That said, the show is pretty good. Earl had me for awhile and lost me. Still a decent show. 30 Rock is fucking brilliant. The Office... anybody remember the bashing it took in here when it first came out. I'll have to try and find that thread (although I've rarely been able to find anything archived). The American version is a great standalone show.
  13. I'm not sure what this will mean for McCain but this may bump album sales for Steve Earle. I didn't see a long life span for his Condi song but this could help.
  14. He was fucking irritating in Whiskeytown as well. I've told this story before but my wife and I saw him back in the Whiskeytown days and he spent more time talking about how he hadn't washed his hair than he did singing. Nobody in the audience gave a shit about his innane rambling but that didn't stop him. He came off a bit douche-like. He hasn't changed much over the years. He's extremely talented and I purchase most of his output. I just try to avoid seeing him live, on Tv, etc. Probably a really good guy...just tries to hard to be weird/rock staresque. And I agree that the Cardina
  15. I would rarely recommend a live album as a starting place but in this case, I'd recommend the live one at Schubas.
  16. I just figure you can like a guy's music without liking his personality. The guy is fairly damaged and comes off as trying too hard when interviewed or live. He's a talented singer-songwriter and makes good music. I just leave it at that. I will avoid seeing him live again but his discs are buy-worthy in my book. I don't find him "plain" in the least.
  17. hey Lou - The Waco show at Schubas was just great. It was good to bump into you again. I picked up the live album about a week before the show and it is really strong. These guys really get after it live. I would have a hard time seeing anyone having a bad time at one of their shows. The Felice Brothers latest album is great. I'm not sure how it lacks originality?? I haven't heard much else by them but definitely want to check them out live. Justin Townes... haven't heard a note. If he's 1/3 as talented as his Dad, he's worth listening to. I know he's been playing some small plac
  18. Thanks for the link....started really slow but it was pretty good. Two notes: Ryan Adams is a music geek. This is a good thing. Bob Mould seemed to be fairly annoyed at times. I would be annoyed as well.
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