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Everything posted by kimcatch22

  1. That sucks about the McFarlane figures -- I was going to buy Desmond and Sayid. I have the Locke one and it's amazing.
  2. $3.69 at a lot of gas stations on the north side of Chicago, but it's already been explained how many extra taxes are in that price. But at $75 for a monthly CTA pass (which I don't even have, but just saying,) and $0 for my walk to work, I don't fill up very often and can usually hold out until a trip to the burbs to visit my family. I can't imagine what it would be like to pay Chicago gas prices once every week or two.
  3. Happy birthday to my FAVORITE GUY EVAH!! Have some peppers!!
  4. Very cool!! I know Johnny's is a block print, but what is Bryan's?
  5. In addition to Brad moving to Chicago (although that's by far the top thing on my list,) there is also: -road tripping to North Carolina with my best non-Ted friend THIS WEEK! -going to 2 Red Sox games and at least 6 Cubs games (hopefully more like 10) -summer in Chicago... the best time of year to be here -starting grad school this Fall -moving into a better apartment with the same friend from the road trip -visits to/from Brad
  6. I was very glad to have met you two!! Can you tell me the name of that vegan Korean place again? I was trying to tell Kate but couldn't remember the name... it sounded like something I could rope her into trying!
  7. I would love to see some of this art, if anyone could throw up some pics!
  8. Great shots, Morgan! Does anyone remember whose camera has the picture of the curly haired/blue shirted trio? Wasn't there a red-haired one, too? edit: nevermind, somehow I missed E-Sue's post. I'll check hers...
  9. Sorry to hear this, but it sounds like the right move. Come on, Yeti!
  10. Happy birthdayyyyy!!!!! Did Sooie ever send you those requested pics?
  11. Well actually, you could take the purple line to its end at Linden, which is in Wilmette (the next town south of Winnetka.) I'd guess it to be about a 5 mile cab ride (or party-goers-pick-you-up ride) from there. But as for the return, the last train's at 2:00ish and I would wag my finger at you for riding it alone, like this: I might have a seat in my car for you, Jamie. It kind of depends on a long chain of events that begins with Yeti eating something. It's kind of a Choose Your Own Adventure book at this point, so I can't offer you a definite seat. Get in touch with me on Thursday and I
  12. I was just going to mention this one. Glad I don't have to.
  13. Good but painful. It's about girl bullying ("relational aggression") and how it's dismissed/encouraged by our society as "oh that's just girls being girls." Mixes actual women's stories with the author's research and thesis. Some of them are sooooo heartbreaking -- girls being bullied into submission by their peers at age 7, age 30, and every age in between. I think I've got it on my shelf if you'd like me to bring it this weekend.
  14. Kate, those books remind me of when I read Odd Girl Out. Reading vibes, that's heavy stuff.
  15. Adding to this, if you're close enough to home that you'll be able to visit every few months, try to organize your clothing seasonally and rotate out what you need -- so you don't have sweaters cluttering up your space in September, or a huge pile of shorts lying around in January.
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