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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. I wasn't aware that there's a GOP myth that Obama's rude. I think the point was made to show that since he lost the first debate, Obama needed to come out stronger, but in doing so, needed to walk the line between being strong/assertive and not being rude/impolite. There was also the issue that the in-house audience supposedly consisted of undecided voters. The broadcast I was watching showed a live graphic of supposedly positive/negative reactions from a test group with shock collars in a lab somewhere. The analyst was just pointing out that the game is to make a point register with the
  2. 1) A-Rod had a hit in game 2. You have two or more hits? You're Ichiro? 2) Game 6?
  3. Because they weren't quite sure who did it? Is it a bad thing to keep investigating it?
  4. 1. Yes, of course. 2. Yes, Obama should take responsibility if he has any semblance of a "buck stops here" leadership 3. Yes. 4. No. 5. If PBO doesn't take responsibility off of Hillary's shoulders, it will look really bad.
  5. This site tells you who to vote for - take the survey. Turns out I should be voting for Green Party. huh.
  6. Some Wu Tang, the entire works of ODB. MethodMan/Redman BLACKOUT! is a classic. Everything from Beatsie Boys. De La Soul, Atmosphere, Jurassic 5, Rage against the machine, Roots, Dr. Dre, typical stuff...
  7. Sad news about Jeter. There was a funny little play after Austin Jackson hit a triple. Jeter came over to him during the time out and pushed him off the bag while saying something to him. Made me laugh. Valverde is obviously done as a closer. It's obvious, right Leyland? Right? I mean, you can plainly see that, yes?
  8. Amazing finish to the Cards/Nats game. Caught the last three innings. I want Cards/Tigers, if only to prompt Fox to show highlights from the 68 Series (not the 06 Series - ugly).
  9. The overturning of Roe v Wade has been the bait and switch trick the GOP has been falsely promising forever. They have no intent on doing anything about it, but they love getting those votes by claiming to be prolife.
  10. Wholly Flock does Valverde suck. For the Tigers to win tonight, Verlander is going to have to pitch a complete game. My prediction is that Tigers bats go silent, Verlander pitches a gem, but they still lose 1-0.
  11. Lets get to the best thing on the ballot this fall. Washington, Oregon and Colorado all have full legalization of marijuana up for vote. If anything, it will make for interesting states rights situations. Feds have pretty much ignored states rights so far with medical marijuana, so I don't see this as making much of a difference.
  12. That ad is two weeks old today. What can I tell you? Is he supposed to make a new version of that same material every week?
  13. I typed in "obama ad" in google, and this was the first one offered. Not that hard.
  14. I think Kozma was camped underneath it. When he flinched and moved out of the way, another 2 seconds passed before the ball hit the ground. He had time to move 5-6 feet away from his spot before the ball landed.
  15. I'm just saying. There's 3 guaranteed games in the opening round. If I'm the owner of the team that won home advantage, I want two of those games.
  16. Still, if I'm the owner of the Reds, and they sweep, I'm pissed that I got one home game, and the money that goes with it.
  17. The decision to award the team with "home advantage" games 3-5 was a terrible one. That means the "home" team is only guaranteed one home game. Teams with home advantage should always open a series at home. Now every game in Oakland is an elimination game. (But, they seemed to do fine with that last week, so maybe it doesn't matter).
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