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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Looks like 3 out of the 4 Conference Semifinals are going to be sweeps. Awful. Sharks have woken up after their sleepy start against the Kings. They will be a good matchup for Vancouver, and are probably the only team left who DO matchup with them.
  2. Being Christian is not dependent upon knowledge of, or compliance with the Old Testament.
  3. It really depends on the teams that are playing. Some play a puck-possession style, and others dump and chase. The bigger, faster, but less skilled teams dump it into the corner, then try to cycle it between 3-4 players while wearing the other team down and waiting for a scoring opportunity to unfold. The higher skilled teams tend to try hold onto the puck in all zones. The ones who are bigger, faster AND more skilled (see Vancouver and San Jose) pretty much dictate play, and the other team hopes their goalie can keep them in the game. There's no concensus on which style is the best s
  4. Round 2! Canucks over Predators in 6. Red Wings over Sharks in 6. Capitals over Lightning in 7. Bruins over Flyers in 7.
  5. huh, lived in Bayview for 2 years and never went...
  6. Los Lobos has some great songs in songs Spanish - usually 1 or 2 songs per album (usually Cesar Rosas songs - I really prefer the Hidalgo/Perez songwriting team) - but especially their La Pistola y El Corazon album. Mas Y Mas is a great rocker.
  7. Milwaukee has some great pizza joints - mostly a thin crust town. Olive Pit and Classic Slice are my two faves, but there are a lot of old school dives that serve a good greasy pizza.
  8. I don't know if it was a terrible game plan by the Hawks, or terrible playing by their D, or good forechecking by the Canucks, but the Blackhawks D couldn't make an outlet pass to save their lives last night. Except for a brief period on the 3rd, when they slowed it down, took their time, and actually brought it out of the defensive zone, they were trying to make long-bomb two-line passes - which never connected. They had no offensive pressure - they couldn't cycle the puck in the corners, and they never put a body in front of Luongo. The only reason they were in a position to tie it late
  9. Good article on the poor decision to bench Luongo
  10. Actually, the Sharks stand a very good chance of getting through the next round. They'll play the Wings if Vancouver wins tonight, and they owned the Wings last year, although it was after Phoenix wore out Detroit in a grinding 7 game series. Detroit's been resting for a week this year. They'll play Chicago if Chicago wins, and I would assume that Chicago would be all but spent after this series. But - I expected the Sharks to have a much easier time with the Kings, especially since Kopitar was out. The Kings have a nice foundation though. Doughty will win the Norris some day, and Johnathan
  11. Looking ahead: Game 7 between Blackhawks and Canucks will be a blowout. If Canucks lose, Luongo will forever be soul-shattered and will never win a major NHL award, including the Cup. The winner will make it to at least the Western Conference Finals. Sharks/Kings - nobody cares because whoever wins this series will lose in the next round. Wings: The rest of the West will be pissed at Phoenix for getting swept. Wings will be well-rested and will win the next series to be in the Western Conference Finals. They're too experienced to "lose momentum" into the next round. Predators: Good news: y
  12. or maybe only the 3rd period and OT. Vancouver controlled the play in those two periods - Blackhawks seemed to be focused on getting it out of the defensive zone only. I want to know why Luongo belly-flopped on his last save. He was fighting the puck during OT. I think he only had to make 2 saves in the 3rd. I think game 7 is going to be Toews vs Kesler. ZERO goals between the two so far.
  13. I was mostly kidding. I love running into the older fans who remember the DINO SUCKS! chants. There used to be a gas company, Sinclair (not sure they're still around) that had a brontosaurus-looking dinosaur mascot. I remember images of Hawks fans hanging the inflatable Sinclair dinosaur in effigy while chanting Dino Sucks!
  14. I just found out I'm going to game 3 in Chicago, Sunday. Very psyched. I've always wanted to wear a North Stars Ciccerelli sweater at a Blackhawks game to see if I could inspire a "DINO SUCKS!" chant. Perhaps Sunday is that day.
  15. Like Doug C has alluded to, are you ready for the consequences if you end up breaking the kid's arm?
  16. Does putting your hands on a child count as hitting/spanking/paddling? What would your Plan A have been for the kid that was sprayed?
  17. From the video of course. As a modern American, I make snap judgments from sound-bite news.
  18. Oh be quiet and enjoy your first ever President's Trophy. Will the Blackhawks make it? And if they do, will they continue to own the Nucks? Will Joe Thornton ever show up in the post-season? Will Niemi become the first goalie (I have no idea if that's true) to win back-to-back Cups with different teams? Is there any team in the East that can compete with the West?
  19. Nice leap. I wasn't making generalizations. I think THAT SPECIFIC MOM should be pepper-sprayed. She's weak.
  20. Meh. They should have gone to the source and pepper-sprayed the ineffective mom as well.
  21. "I kind of deserved it," Aidan conceded to "Today."
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