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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Not with DVR, my friend. "Live" TV is for chumps. DVR = no commercials.
  2. Yet the hype is on Frasier to be the next head coach. Dungy did more with less as far as MN defenses go.
  3. Good premiere, but a couple weak episodes (subpar writing and acting, IMHO) since then. I'll keep watching though. Short season - I think there's only 3 episodes left? I'm trying to figure out what the "rules" are with these zombies? Apparently they need to feed? On animals too? I've always assumed that zombies don't need to feed at all - but they love human flesh. They can continue to "live" without nutrition, which is part of the reason they're dangerous, because otherwise you could just round them up and starve them to "death."
  4. More Prince please! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfyxLBIl4dE
  5. Not surprising. I really liked the show but hated the finale. I still bug my wife with my perfect Truxton Spangler (such a great name) imitation.
  6. Agreed on the premiere. But I thought they shit the bed with the 2nd episode. What a letdown. Completely generic.
  7. Watched Full Metal Jacket over the weekend. As far as war/military films go, it's hard to top FMJ's first hour. It's pretty much the blueprint of how to do bootcamp on film. The "Lawrence goes crazy" scene hasn't aged well though. And the 2nd Act doesn't live up to the first, except for the scene of Colonel Waldorf Salad chewing out Modine. I love that scene merely for being a Fawlty Towers fan. The slo-mo sniper scene at the end is dreadful. The movie starts so strongly and ends so weakly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQFWAIFzoZ4
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgJ2jFVp1bc
  9. You can hear it pretty clearly in the Scorsese documentary: No Direction Home.
  10. I was a fan of Rubicon right up to the finale. Hated the finale. Looking forward to The Walking Dead. Wish I had HBO so I could be watching Boardwalk Empire and East Bound & Down.
  11. It's more work than having a machine, for sure, but French press has a much stronger (and better) taste to me. Definitely worth the extra effort. Fill the kettle, turn the stove on, grind the beans, wait for kettle to barely start whistling, warm the Bodum with some of the water, toss the warming water, add the ground coffee, add the water, put the lid on the Bodum, wait 4 minutes, stir, press down, voila!
  12. July 4, 1976 - Ramones play London http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvDeee14dEA
  13. French press every morning. I add a big shot of milk. I usually wait until the coffee has cooled down a bit, then I gulp down a big mug.
  14. Twins lost 3 straight in both the 1987 and 1991 World Series, both of which they won.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzVKyAyD2jc&feature=player_embedded
  16. Terrible according to whom? These polls place him in either the first or second quartile.
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