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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Those photos were great. I remember the days of pressing my face to the glass to watch my Pa fly away. Loved the photo of the swingin stew.
  2. I loved the Simpsons back in the day - especially seasons 3-6 or so. But I'd be fine without ever seeing another episode again. I have no interest in Seinfeld reruns at all. The first season is REALLY awful.
  3. The Wire Band of Brothers Sopranos Curb your Enthusiasm Futurama Top Chef Arrested Development Mr. Show Freaks and Geeks Larry Sanders Show Star Trek Brady Bunch Gilligan's Island
  4. This book was featured on last Sunday's 60 Minutes. Fascinating. One of McCain's campaign dudes said that they had to start from square one with Palin and basically teach her everything about the last 100 years of U.S. history. She was a blank slate.
  5. 50s: Belafonte at Carnegie Hall - this was one of my parents' albums. I listened to it a lot as a kid. Brings back warm memories 60s: Beatles - White Album, Frank Zappa & The Mothers - We're Only In It For The Money 70s: Clash - London Calling, Bob Marley - Exodus 80s: Pogues - If I Should Fall From Grace With God, Paul Simon - Graceland 90s: Los Lobos - Kiko, Blur - 13 00s: Gorillaz - Demon Days, Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf
  6. This is past-due, but I'm sad to see that Curtis Granderson was traded away from the Tigers. I hope he does well for the Yankees, but I have a feeling they will have little patience for his many strike-outs and lack of success against left-handed pitching. He's one of the good ones - logs a lot of miles doing charitable work.
  7. Nothing, apparently. He didn't say much of anything in his testimony. I mis-remembered what the gist of his testimony encompassed. I had thought that he denied taking steroids.
  8. Shouldn't McGwire be worrying about going to jail for perjury now? Or does that not pertain to the senate-subcommittee thingy that he falsely testified in front of? (Or did he just take the 5th back then?)
  9. My experience with IMs and e-mails, having reviewed a random sampling of our company's e-communications daily for the past 3 years, is that IMs are silent phone calls, and people lose their inhibitions with IMs. Internally, they're for gossip and, well, "chat." E-mails are for longer communications - mostly for business.
  10. Eliminating The Association would eliminate my wedding first dance song: "Never my Love" Eliminating U2 would eliminate the first concert I went to (Unforgettable Fire tour in the Minneapolis Armory, opener: Red Rocket) as well as one of my favorite Johnny Cash songs The Wanderer, as well as one of my favorite Pavarotti cameos - Miss Sarajevo. Elimating The Doors would eliminate my go-to karaoke song: LA Woman Eliminating Insane Clown Posse would have no effect on my musical universe. I've never heard anything by them and am only vaguely aware of them due to guest spots on the Howard Ste
  11. You better make sure your IMs aren't logged...
  12. Numbers 12 and 18 didn't have a definition attached.
  13. Probably out of the question. The ice usually doesn't melt until mid-May, but that rule might only apply to Ely, which is way the fuck up north, and out of your way. But if your trip was solely about canoeing, Ely is the first place I'd recommend. If Alexandria isn't too far out of your way (and it looks like it's not), I'd recommend stopping to see the Kensington Runestone and reporting back to us as to its veracity.
  14. Emily's Lebanese Diner is great, but so is Holy Land. If you want a Minneapolis Original, hit Matt's on Cedar for a Jucy Lucy, or the 5-8 Club for a Juicy Lucy. Both claim to have invented it. I prefer Matt's if not solely for the spelling. (A Jucy Lucy is a burger with the cheese inside. Let it cool for 5 minutes, or you'll be dealing with mouth/chin burns) Der Gasthof Zur Gemiutlicheit (sp?) on University is a great old-timey German place, with the glass boots and polka band. Food is meh, but the beer is great. (don't set the boot down! It must be continually passed.) Grumpy's, my old ha
  15. That's called "fair market value" Stubhub is a subsidiary of e-bay.
  16. From Stubhub's site: Not that a refund will help much when you want to see a sold out show, but at least you'll get your money back.
  17. Meh, not getting into the HOF on your first ballot is not a punishment. He'll get in. Christ, Joe DiMaggio was kept out in his first year of eligibility.
  18. That and your preference for The Departed over Infernal Affairs.
  19. abundantly inventive (one of the definitions of prolific) suggests a qualitative character. An artist could be prolific in the sense of producing a lot of work, but at the same time NOT prolific if the work was not inventive. Conversely, an artist could be prolific with one album, if that album showed an abundance of inventiveness, and at the same time NOT prolific if that was his only work in 20 years.
  20. Awesome. Just finished season 4 of the Wire. I had no knowledge of this new series.
  21. Look, ya got ten, then ya got ten more, then it's like, what's this? Four more. 24. Fuggeddaboudit.
  22. you need an alarm to wake up by 9:30?
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