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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. That's perfect. I feel bad - there's a newish dad in the neighborhood, and we're all just starting to kind of hang out. He came to a St. Paddy's day party we threw, and he heard I was "into the Dead" so he was very excited to talk about Dead & Co with me, and I had to hold him up, saying that I really had no interest in the newest iteration with the band. He got kind of defensive, and it almost got awkward, but I wasn't being a dick about it - I just said I had no interest. I like the old stuff, Meyer's a fine player, but does nothing for me, the tempos are too slow, etc. etc. etc. A
  2. Crossover appeal, and the potential to make a fuckload of touring money. Compare the income of Dead & Co's tours to any tour that Weir's been involved with since '95. What's the difference? John Meyer is the difference. He makes it rain for those guys.
  3. I thought it strange that GA field tickets are still available for Friday night (but not for Saturday's show?) But then again, 2 of those will run you about $400... Over $30 in fees per ticket. That's nuts. I'm still wavering on getting Los Lobos tickets for an outdoor show in Aurora in July (opening for the Mavericks) - Those are $45.
  4. Looking forward to the new Scorsese / Dylan Rolling Thunder Revue doc on Netflix.
  5. This guy bet $400 on the Blues in January to win $100,000. https://sports.yahoo.com/blues-bettor-turns-400-into-100-k-after-refusing-to-hedge-040727094.html
  6. So, Clinton's impeachment proceedings started in December 98, and wrapped up in February 1999. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/?ex_cid=rrpromo If you scroll down this page, you'll see all historical presidential approval ratings over time. Clinton ended '98 pretty strongly, but his approval ratings slowly fell to the mid 50s early in '99. He recovered in 2000, and ended strongly, but his approval rating certainly didn't carry over to Gore's campaign. Yes, Gore won the popular vote, but lost Ohio, Florida*, and even his own home state, (and others) which Clint
  7. Energized his base to what end? To elect W as president?
  8. Seriously. His brief speech was basically: "I would have cleared him if I thought he was clean. Here's the trail of breadcrumbs I left if congress wants to go after him, because that's their job, not mine. Did any of you read my report? Is this thing on?"
  9. I don't know - Andres Segovia lived to be 94, and started giving concerts when he was 16.
  10. I feel like I saw fIREHOSE 100 times in the early 90s. It was like they were in Minneapolis every other month. I know in reality I probably saw them 5-6 times.
  11. Pogues - Peace and Love I think what I remember most about that year was hearing De La Soul's 3 Is A Magic Number, and Young MC's Bust a Move at every house party. And Paul's Boutique was everywhere.
  12. https://www.soundboard.com/sb/david_lee_roth_soundboard
  13. Have been disappointed with searching for titles that are available - it's like walking into a library and not being able to peruse the shelves. I've had to cross-reference their DVD collection and just search for directors and titles that I know are within the collection, just to see if it's also available for streaming. Though - I discovered that a couple redditors have made a complete criterion streaming database available, and I've also read that Criterion will be adding a "whole library" database on the app, maybe this week? I finally saw two films that I've wanted to see for a long t
  14. Been going gaga over the Criterion Channel app since Monday.
  15. Sounds like the opening lines to a David Lee Roth video.
  16. Clinton's impeachment began in December 1998. He was elected to his 2nd term in November 1996.
  17. I'm just really bored with it, I guess. There's no room in the song to go exploring, musically, and every version sounds the same to me, even through all the different eras.
  18. Sugar Magnolia is a "check what time it is" song for me.
  19. Season 3 of Better Things started up recently. Good as ever.
  20. Anyone getting the JGB Electric at the Eel boxset? I see that it's out today.
  21. Nice to see the low demands of Los Lobos, but I think they must have raised their rates lately, because their tickets are now in the $60-$80 range.
  22. News Today: Rich people can afford to buy their kids' way into good schools. Well, no fucking shit.
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