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Everything posted by Boots

  1. Did he actually play on it or was it from earlier recordings? I'm pretty sure on the Palace record and the first two solos ones the John (and Ken for that matter) material was just pulled from the Courtesy Move days
  2. Well on Po5 Jack is Charlie, but he didn't have a herion problem (he had the good Hodgkins though) but he still liked to yell at people. Bailey had the drinking problem which Jack who was Charlie seems to have had before the crash. But Bailey is now Jeremy. Hopefully we'll get a Jack flashback this year on Lost with Jeremy in the background so that Charlie and Bailey can be reunited
  3. and it also has a former Party of Five cast member as a doctor
  4. As am I, it's a Locke one too which is a good sign maybe an old dead castaway will make it in the episode as well
  5. another vote for Adams and Neko I'd also throw out Destroyer Stephen Malkmus Josh Ritter and Andrew Bird
  6. Looks like my Pads just blew it...........congrats Cards Hopefully my hometown Tigers can win it all
  7. I had to add a cable splitter and an extra tv to my livingroom so I can watch the Pads and Chargers play at the same time (thanks fox), but it'll be worth it for Woody here to beat the Cards
  8. I'm skipping out of class early for it
  9. I'm not saying he's not sick...although I think he probably deserves worse then the Scientology rehab center he's in or whatever. I'm just saying pedophilia involves children that are pre-pubesent. Trying to get in the pants of a highscool kid= pretty fucking sad Trying to get in the pants of elementry school kid= Even worse I just think when we equate such behavior we end up lessening how horrible the one is. Not to say the first example isn't bad, but I can't believe most people think the two examples are equal That's all
  10. I wouldn't say it was Clinton's conduct per say. It was lying under oath. I'm no prude, and believe everyone should get/give blowjobs as often as possible. In fact Clinton getting a blowjob outside of marriage doesn't even bother me that much (not enough to vote against him because of it at least). But the lying.....the thing that always bothered me about that was if he was willing to lie about it to a grand jury how far would it have gone had someone else have found out and blackmailed him? I wonder if he had answered, "why yes she did blow me" what would have happened..... outcry sure, but i
  11. My condolences as well.
  12. Here is a new 9-19 YSI part 1 http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...id=ZpQtWWK+YZc= part 2 http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...id=ZpSSeqlJYZc= 9-20 part 1 http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...id=ZpSopIZTYZc= Part 2 http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...id=ZpRxUU6GYZc= Enjoy Matt
  13. I just dug up the copy of the 9-20 show, so I'll post that and repost the 9-19 show when I get time at work tomorrow morning Matt
  14. I'll see if I can dig up my discs this weekend and upload them. Feel free to PM me a reminder if they aren't up by Sunday.
  15. I said I liked (band of) Horses better then I&W, so I guess I like them WAY WAY more now
  16. They are a fun band. I caught them opening for Iron&Wine last summer, and they blew them out of the water in my book
  17. Police report: Terrell Owens attempted suicide 08:26 AM CDT on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 WFAA-TV Staff File / AP Terrell Owens broke a finger in the Sept. 17 game against the Redskins. According to a Dallas police report obtained by News 8, Dallas Cowboys star receiver Terrell Owens attempted suicide Tuesday night. The report says Owens was depressed and reportedly took prescription pain pills. A woman companion states that she observed him putting two pills in his mouth. According to the police narrative, the woman said the prescription of 40 pills was filled on Septemb
  18. If it's the one Charlie had on Party of Five it's the good one!
  19. Just thought I'd put up a few pictures from my trip to London and Amsterdam earlier this month. Amsterdam London
  20. I'm with you. Love Trace but WST is very underated. I believe I read somewhere he was already working on a new SV record for a release next spring, but I forget where I read that
  21. I was at the 9/19 show and it indeed was a great. I have CD's of both shows laying around somewhere but not sure where. Anyway I just grabbed this off Soulseek. It's the first night, but I haven't gotten a chance to listen to it yet, so I hope everything checks out on it (just put on the first song, and sounds fine). Enjoy Part 1 http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...56B9D292A3D1416 Part 2 http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...BA1D8AE4A4E6B31
  22. We also got Nate Kaeding out of the deal. Aside from his playoff miss 2 years back he's been pretty solid. After River's game the other day I'm feeling even better about the deal
  23. Yep, I take it on every camping trip. Dogfish head is always great too
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