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Everything posted by suites

  1. We (my wife and I) are on the last 5 days of a 14 day tour of Italy. All I can say is wow. This place has so much history it is sick. We were in Rome and now we are in Florcence and finishing up in Venice. We also did many "small places" in between. I don't know where to begin with what this place is like. The Pizza is too good. Anyone else been on a trip to Italy. SUITES
  2. Lets Pray they play 3 shows in florida....I will be at all of them I really hope so.
  3. That is great news. Thanks for taping. Where are you going to post? SUITES
  4. Stevie Nicks Pat Benatar That chick who plays base for David Bowie
  5. There are 3 up now.......have fun. SUITES
  6. I do not think that they even haev a 1 disc version......I think they only have the 2 discs. No question that you need to get this. If you take enough time to be on this board you wust love Wilco. This is the only official stuff out there and it is awesome to boot.
  7. Are you joking? Billboard only counts how many records are sold...they are not making any comentary. They do not conrol the chart....the people do. I figured they would be in the top 5. They have been featured in almost every magazine that I get including Time and EW....so I am sure many people have gone out and got it. I wonder if the back calalog has seenan increase in sales....give it a few weeks.
  8. I wonder if SBS will debut in the top 5. I tlooks like it could be as high as that.
  9. I hardley ever buy stuff from them (I prefer the disc), then I burn into my I-pod. But I was surfing the site and they have none of the classic Jayhawks records...what is up wit that.
  10. I was going to put the Neil runs on..but I see others did already. So I will go with: Elton: Elton John Tumblweed Connection Madman across the Water Honky Chataeu Dont Shoot Me Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
  11. I read that this is not true....he is not doing the movie
  12. Well they need to play at least one, so that people can get a bathroom break. There are only a few of the "oldies" acts that can play new songs and people really want to hear them....Dylan, Neil, Lou....and a few others.
  13. Really, I have that and always assumed it was from that gig....I want my money back if it's not.....where did you hear that?
  14. I just think that they are marginal....not HOF worthy I bet Run DMC is next to go in.
  15. They better not get in......no way do they deserve to. http://music.yahoo.com/read/news/42778458
  16. I can't believe that we have not seen a recording in BT....come on guys you are really slacking.
  17. How bout....When you wake up feeling old....when was the last time they played that.
  18. The show is always hit or miss...but I have to say they usually come up with at least 1 or 2 funny per night. I love Nuni.....or should I say Nuni. I also have to figure that Wilco will be a guest this season....allthough I have been saying that for 5 seasons i a row.
  19. First Album: Chicago Transit Authority...The one with Baby What a Big Surprise. First Concert (Wit Parents): Billy Joel or Doobie's - Hollywood Sportatorium First Concert (Witout): Kansas or Foreigner - Hollywood Sportatorium.
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