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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Ok, let's ignore mass shootings since they're so rare. http://mobile.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/crime/2012/12/gun_death_tally_every_american_gun_death_since_newtown_sandy_hook_shooting.html
  2. It's precisely this type of paranoia re: guns that I simply don't get. We don't object to a lot of what the government keeps track of for the purpose of public safety, but somehow tracking the ownership and sale of a lethal firearm is sign of upcoming tyranny? Also, the Constitution was written in a completely different world than today -- and was meant to be a living document that could be amended. Yes, it is intentionally difficult to change it, but simply because it made sense to give the right to bear arms (for the purpose of allowing the states to have well regulated militias so they
  3. Some of the orders had to do with clarifying coverage under the ACA (i.e. #16. "Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes") -- I'm guessing #21 has to do with ensuring that the language is clear that all exchanges under the ACA need to adhere to a certain set of basic provisions, including these new ones. Either that, or it's a devious plot to expand Obamacare in the wake of this tragedy.
  4. Funny - I had it suggested to me by a guy whose musical taste I don't necessarily respect (he's really into pop-country acts) and I only checked it out as a courtesy to him. Good thing I did... goes without saying that I agree with its inclusion on this list.
  5. Agreed, we can't leave it up to the states because criminals & gun traffickers will gravitate to where the laws are most lax. This is a complex issue, and a lot of the problems are caused by the lack of resources to enforce the laws on the books (a good read is the ATF report on illegal gun trafficking) -- but that doesn't mean that additional legislation isn't needed. I don't see how closing the "gun show loophole" at the Federal level, ensuring that all gun sales and transfers by private individuals require a background check, is infringing on anyone's rights. I also don't see how o
  6. And people still speed and drive drunk and run stop signs, yet we don't talk about abolishing those laws because we know they help to ensure the rest of us will act responsibly -- or face the consequences if we don't. Just because there will always be some people who act outside the law doesn't mean that the laws themselves are useless.
  7. Bidding started on the limited edition Replacements EP for Slim today. #1/250 is currently at $10K. http://www.songsforslim.com/pages/auction
  8. So let's all be carrying guns so we can shoot each other if someone acts up -- training be damned! That's exactly the country I want to live in! woo hoo! USA USA USA! I have no problem with any of you owning firearms, but it should be as "inconvenient" as getting a driver's license. Let the rest of us (i.e., the scary, evil government) know what you have, test you to ensure that you know how to safely use and store it... and oh yeah, make sure you're not a mental patient or convicted felon. You agree to all that -- and take personal liability if your firearm is used in a crime -- and you
  9. Just realized I have tshirts older than you. Damn.
  10. As I understand it from the article cited above, there will be a larger commercial release of vinyl and digital tracks once the limited edition collection sells out. So the collectors and the uber-fans can get their hands on the limited edition stuff, and the masses will still be able to enjoy the commercial product. It seems like a reasonable attempt at maximizing the revenue available for a project like this (which, in the grand scheme of things still probably doesn't amount to a ton of money, but every bit helps). Yes, there will always be a secondary market for stuff like this, but I
  11. That particular album and the entire series will make my 2013... just as long as they also release the songs digitally after the limited edition vinyl sells out.
  12. 2 reasons why I love CA. 1) the two top vote-getters in the primary (regardless of party) get to the election. 2) fuck me, I forgot. Edit: now I remember... we now have a citizen panel drawing district lines. All of this should (hopefully) result in more moderate politicians. We'll see.
  13. Curious how long he's going to stay in college and how well his game will translate to the NFL. We've seen some dynamic, athletic QBs fizzle in the NFL, while others seem to get even better (RG3 being the most recent example). Caught an interview with this kid (literally - just turned 20!) over the weekend and he seems to be level-headed and humble. Good for him.
  14. Yeah, it's weird (creepy) how the Dolly Parton that I fantasized about as a pre-teen looks almost exactly the same 30+ years later. Not that I wish anything bad upon her, but damn... that just ain't right.
  15. Oh yes, classic. The Replacements shooting themselves in the foot on SNL is an epic memory, too. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6yi30_what-a-mess_music http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6yi55_that-s-where-we-re-riding_music
  16. A couple years ago, as a joke, my sister bought me the "Sing Along With Mitch" Christmas album. Our dad used to play it for us when we were kids, despite our constant complaints. I was an idiot and played it for my kids, thinking they'd get the joke about how utterly horrible it is. Unfortunately, they FREAKING LOVE IT and we listen to it pretty much every night during the Christmas season. "CHESTNUTS ROASTING ON A OPEN FIRE!!! JACK FROST NIPPING AT YOUR NOSE!!!!" all. night. long. ugh.
  17. Samurai deli w/ Belushi was awesome. Chevy Chase's "Ford" impression was impeccable. Emily Latella FTW, forever. Eddie Murphy's "Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood" == awesome Church Lady was 90% on the money. Billy Crystal & Chris Guest doing the "I hate it when..." stuff was also great Chris Farley in nearly everything he did on the show... Tina Fey singlehandedly saved "Weekend Update" there's more, I'm sure....
  18. I have a wife who still loves me after over 2 decades together, two awesome smart & athletic kids who love me more than I deserve, and a job that I mostly enjoy and pays me well. My life isn't perfect by any means but I've got a ton to be thankful for.
  19. People who talk about getting rid of the Fed are completely delusional, sorry. I think we should have external audits and corrective actions when necessary, but to say that the entire institution needs to be abolished makes no sense at all.
  20. Homeland has been beyond spectacular this season. It's easily the highlight of my week every Sunday night.
  21. Chris Mars (ex-Replacements) painting. He's a stunning artist; wish I could afford one of his works.
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