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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. basically, yes. Vetoing an extension & minor re-write (sorry, freedom-ending changes!!!!) to an established law from 1971 -- a bill which passed with 99% approval in the House and 100% in the Senate -- would have been a really dumb move for the President to make.
  2. I recently reconnected with an old neighbor on Facebook. We exchanged the perfunctory catch-up msgs with each other - we hadn't talked in probably 20 yrs - everything was good and normal. Then I started looking at some of her old posts - turns out that shes one of those Obama is the anti-Christ/end of the world types. We had a small skirmish once - she posted an obviously fake photo of Obama & tried to pass it off as real. When I proved to her it was fake, her response was that it's still useful to share because it was the type of thing Obama would do. At that point I realized I was w
  3. I don't know why I bother, but you do realize that HR 347 was just an extension of current law, which passed the House 399-3 -- right? But yes, Obama is singlehandedly destroying free speech. omfg!!!!
  4. wow - very nice. my knees hurt just watching that!
  5. His version of Big Star's Thirteen is, dare I say it, better than the original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBHGfJqcSGU
  6. And the compromise was they don't have to fund it - they just cannot exclude it from their insurance plans.
  7. Again, apples & oranges. Rush is a radio broadcaster - he's not allowed to use profanity or else he'll face stiff FCC fines. People go to see CK because it's a vulgar show.
  8. I'm also a Catholic & it doesn't bother me one bit. If the Church wants to hire non-Catholics for their schools, hospitals & various charities, they cannot impose upon them the views of their religion, no matter how sacred they believe them to be. It's as if a Muslim-owned business tried to force its non-Muslim employees to observe Ramadan and denied lunch breaks, water, etc. during sunlight hours & forced them to pray to Mecca on their breaks. That would be absurd. Just because it's what the business owner thinks is the right thing to do according to their religion doesn't mea
  9. thanks for changing the thread title, too...
  10. Clinton = Bush = Obama? you guys crack me up. why stop there? or was Bush Sr. our last great, pristine, uncorrupt president? I don't deny that there are certain similarities in some of their policies, but to portray them as equivalents is frankly asinine.
  11. you understand how google works, right?
  12. Rush & his fans always fall back on "he's just an entertainer" whenever he gets into hot water or says something stupid. Problem is, he puts this stuff out there as fact/opinion on his show... not as an obvious joke. Everyone knows Stephen Colbert is playing a character & doesn't believe a word he's saying... that's not the case for Rush. And if a 'serious' liberal entertainer like Letterman or Stewart said a similarly offensive thing on their shows, they'd also be feeling the wrath. And they're a hell of a lot more obvious about being entertainers/comedians than Rush is.
  13. Streaming now at RS... http://www.rollingst...n-work-20120307
  14. from that article... Fluke was specificly testifying about this issue (telling the story of another law student) and said that they were not covered by Georgetown - so either Fluke or the author of that article is incorrect. But regardless of what you think about the underlying debate, what Limbaugh said was clearly over the top and revolting. It's not the first time he's said something as stupid as this, but thankfully it looks like this will be the first time he'll suffer some serious consequences. Amazing that he didn't realize that calling 99% of women in the US (the % who have used
  15. The sad thing about today's Supreme Court is that the appointments have become so hyper-political that the impartiality & judgement of the inividual justices is called into question. "Justice X was appointed by a D/R, so we know s/he will vote this way" etc. In the past, some of the most liberal justices were appointed by Republicans & some of the most conservative ones were appointed by Democrats -- that simply will never happen today. So what we have now is a situation where a president's idealogical legacy lives on via their SCOTUS appointments; I don't believe that was ever t
  16. Frum's comments were exceptionally mild and restrained and to equate them with Brietbart's vitriolic spew is absurd. He may have been a swell guy in person, but what he wrote, the style of "journalism" that he almost singlehandedly created, has had no positive effect on our society. Quite the contrary, I think the world is a much worse place thanks to Brietbart and people like him -- people whose singleminded goal of scoring political points and demeaning the "other side," no matter how disingenuous or outright false the story may be, is what's wrong with American politics today. Yes, it
  17. No tears being shed here for that man. You reap what you sow.
  18. Andrew Breitbart: Death of a Douche After all the vile stuff he said about Kennedy immediately after his death, I feel no obligation to offer false condolensces about his.
  19. had me some golabki and pierogi just this weekend, as a matter of fact. I'd take that over an iPhone any day.
  20. Yeah, same here. I have a lot of childhood memories of watching/obsessing over The Monkees http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7LqYcG6zsU
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