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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. she's apparently Audrey Tomason, Director For Counterterrorism. Around the table: Joe Biden, vice president; Barack Obama, president; Marshall Webb, brigadier general, Denis McDonough, deputy National Security Advisor; Hillary Clinton, secretary of state; Robert Gates, secretary of defence. Standing: Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Tom Donilon, National Security Advisor; Bill Daley, Chief of Staff; Antony Blinken, advisor to Joe Biden; Audrey Tomason, counterterrorism director; John Brennan, presidential assistant; James Clapper, director of national intelligen
  2. I think you're trying to say it IS black & white here. killing is always bad according to you. I disagree and could come up with a number of scenarios in which I believe killing someone is perfectly justified.
  3. Because of this post, I'm listening to all my Wilco albums in track order right now. kinda strange mix so far.
  4. huh? suggesting that there's some political embellishment to the story is not what I'd call being a conspiracy theorist... but if you like throwing that label around, then go for it.
  5. Some counter-terrorism talking head on Fox was making that claim this morning... but you're right, I don't think I've heard it from military/administration officials. edit: I missed the Brennan conference... so based on the above it's apparently part of the official story now.
  6. I think the biggest piece of propaganda that I've heard is the part about him hiding behind a woman. She was probably just collateral damage from the initial attack, but they're using her death to craft a story that Bin Laden was a coward up to the end, hiding behind a woman.
  7. Yeah, there's no way this is the end of anything really. Perhaps the Afghan-Pakistani wing of Al Qaeda will suffer from this loss, but for the hundreds (thousands?) of other active terrorists across the globe this action is more likely going to incite them to try to do something big again, to prove that they're still alive and a viable force. Hopefully we'll be able to prevent/minimize whatever they try to send our way. But I'm still thrilled he's gone, even if it's just for the symbolic "victory." As for the sea burial, my understanding is that they didn't want him to be buried in the g
  8. Yes and no. Nothing they release will be enough to convince some people. But I think as time passes and Bin Laden fails to release a video showing that he's alive, it will become pretty well established that we got him. Even though I suspect this is largely a symbolic achievement and pretty much nothing will change re: our "war on terror" -- I'm glad we got the fucker. That Mark Twain quote is on the money... exactly what I feel right now.
  9. Hope everyone in VC land is safe. Scary, devastating stuff.
  10. I don't have any problems with this list. I might slightly reorder things and replace a couple songs -- but it's a pretty good representation of what makes Wilco great.
  11. Not sure what you were thinking, but I meant "File Under Virtual Clinegasm"
  12. ^ thanks... I'll see if my local WF carries that brand. To be fair, frozen pizza isn't normally something I seek out, so there could be many good brands out there that I'm unaware of.
  13. If I'm in the mood for Chicago deep dish, there's nothing better. But that's once every few years, not something I normally crave. I'm a big fan of CPK and CA-style pizza in general. Medium crust; chewy & crunchy, flavorful sauces, creative toppings. The Wild Mushroom at CPK is always fantastic. I have yet to taste a frozen pizza that tastes decent - i.e., not of plastic or other chemical enhancers.
  14. I'd go for "observant" -- things are pretty fucked up these days, on many levels. That title will only work if the songs add commentary on the current state of affairs, of course -- which I'm sure a lot of VCers will hate.
  15. Now that may be the most spectacular tasting thing on the planet... but that's not pizza.
  16. I'd love to argue this, but given how shaky Niemi looked this series it's difficult to be confident going into the 2nd round. But it was good to see Thornton get the game winner, and even better to see the Sharks not quit when the series got tough. Props to the Kings, though - they played well and things could have easily gone the other way.
  17. http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/TV-on-the-Radio-Bassist--120499729.html So sad - lung cancer. He was still in his 30s. He will be missed.
  18. yeah, that would be cool if they could do a "2 sides of Wilco" thing... that way, everyone will have something to gripe about!
  19. Love these guys. Was funny hearing them talk about being a not-supergroup ("we're super-buds") because each of their respective bands aren't really established enough to call it that. Thanks for the link.
  20. Sharks come back last night from down 4-0 to win 6-5 in OT -- one of the most exciting games I've ever seen. The old Sharks would have given up; hopefully this is a sign of something different happening this year.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uTujQgvA0I probably the best thing off the entire disc... the ultimate blow-out-your-speakers song for me back in the day.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2e1UIy8NM4 always kills me, especially the part about "I only want what's best for you/And I know that might not include me"
  23. You had them - Bush & Cheney were both former CEOs. They did a spectacular job.
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