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Everything posted by chumley

  1. Twice, once from a prison in IL, the other time from a prison in Panama. Or maybe it was Mexico. I can't remember. The show is friggin' awesome though. Netflix it, STAT.
  2. I still enjoy Heroes, but then again I also still watch Prison Break (and like it). I clearly have no problem with moronic plot twists. 24 seems like it might be good this year. I've said that for the past 4 or 5 seasons, and each time I realize that it's turning to shit again but by that time I've invested 5 or 6 hours already. The missus is gonna watch it anyway, so I might as well join her. The movie was pretty awesome. Lost is better than all these shows, probably because it's got an end in sight and everything that happens is building to a conclusion. Ever since that happened (an
  3. I think I made the right choice by skipping page one of this thread.
  4. PANTHER's right...this whole thing is a HOUSE OF CARDS and the government is getting ready to take away the bottom row. Know way can our ecomony support itself...this is the end. When the dust settles and our new society jells together he new currency will be MIGHT, that and the basics of survival. I'm buying foods and canned good and water and unfortunately weaponeries now, and also sheets of plywood and 2 buy 4s for when it's time to secure the home. I suggest you all due the same instead of laughing it up on the internet until its to late.
  6. This is nothing new. Grohl once dissed Wilco at a Mission Impossible show at the Burke Community Center back in 1985. Fuck that guy.
  7. Am I the only one who thinks she was actually kinda hot in A League of Their Own?
  8. It's true. I think it's airing on December 13th on ABC Family.
  9. I'm not too proud to admit that I'm scared they've been poisoned. I'm going to let the wife and kids try 'em first.
  10. Even if it was, the guy is a douche. Fuck that guy.
  11. I hope they don't book any arena shows in the north east (no one has heard of them there).
  12. I like the first album. I haven't tracked down this one yet, however, because I don't think I should like them and I'm being snobby.
  13. Jeff Tweedy once reviewed my semi-unofficial Wilco message board posting skills and gave me an e-thumbs down.
  14. The best punk rock record of the last 20 years.
  15. I was just coming to this thread to gush about 30 Rock (which we just watched). Fuck that was a great episode. The Office is kinda sucky right now.
  16. Probably too good. That's my main concern about this - that it sounds too polished. I don't know if Rod can actually rock anymore.
  17. I've met the guy in real life, and he's no better there. Just ignore him like the rest of us do.
  18. I'd very much like to see them. With the Replacements opening.
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