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Everything posted by choo-choo-charlie

  1. ...or as a good friend of mine says, "Snorah Jones."
  2. I had an assignment to review it for a website last week, so I was spinning it for about 3-4 days. I'd say that the new album is as overproduced as her earlier stuff - it's certainly much more labored-over than Not Too Late, which came out in 2007, and is arguably her most stripped-down effort since it was recorded in a home studio (and sounds more song-sketches than fully fleshed-out songs.) Overproduced as it is, her new release is much more removed from the pop-lounge she became famous for...it's more of a singer/songwriter indie-pop-soul thing and not so much jazz-influenced, but it's cl
  3. Lots of late period Beatles here...why not do something like "No Reply," "I Feel Fine," "She's a Woman," "I'm Down," "Nowhere Man" or "Taxman" - the in-between Beatles?
  4. "...he takes all his words, from the books that you don't read anyway..."
  5. An interesting suggestion; I feel that W(TA) is almost a kitchen-sink record, minus the lead vocal turns. From Pitchfork: The phrase, "It's like their White Album"-- applied to records like Prince's Sign o' the Times, Hüsker Dü's Zen Arcade, the Clash's Sandinista!, and Pavement's Wowee Zowee, among many others-- has long been accepted critical shorthand. To use the expression is to conjure a familiar cluster of associations: The work in question is large and sprawling, overflowing with ideas but also with indulgences, and filled with a hugely variable array of material, some of which mi
  6. LOL. Sweet avatar by the way...I've been on a strong Beatles for Sale kick for several weeks now. Highly underrated. But back to Wilco. I decided to pop in W(TA) yesterday after not having listened to it for a few months, and didn't make it past "You Never Know." Now - I really enjoyed the album when it first came out, sided with the SBS fans in the SBS vs. W(TA) debate w/o totally hating on W(TA), and didn't necessarily find W(TA) to be a huge disappointment. I agreed with many of the folks here with the idea that it's certainly not Wilco's strongest album, but it's solid, and it's t
  7. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot gets some love here, and Wilco's photo is on the main collage here too.
  8. does anyone else think that "you never know" had a little more bite & muscle to it than usual?
  9. I thought so. Otherwise, I was gonna wring your hands for a hot minute and tell you that Nels didn't play on AGIB. There's still some folks out there that don't realize this...oh well. You're obviously a sharp person with a good ear.
  10. Also mentioned earlier today here: http://forums.viachicago.org/topic/42106-on-fillmore-in-the-ny-times/page__st__20
  11. Wait, I'm confused. Are you comparing "Spiders" with "Side With the Seeds" or "Bull Black Nova" with "Side With the Seeds?"
  12. Plus, it's cold, hot and running away to the sea. And there's something in his veins that's even bloodier.
  13. That's what I was gonna say...Wilco has definitely made a pop record before. And remember that fun discussion about the artwork? Where's that thread...?
  14. Perhaps you should just buy it and support the band. Could you spare a dollar? I remember someone got raked over the coals here once for asking about obtaining a commercially available recording...just sayin'.
  15. here's another review: http://www.popmatters.com/pm/review/115636-on-fillmore-extended-vacation/
  16. At Dawn came out in 2001. The Tennessee Fire came out in 1999.
  17. Anyone know where you can still buy this? Amazon shows it as out-of-print.
  18. Clearly; agree 100%. I was pointing out the fact that the author (albeit indirectly) is referring to ST as the last alt-country record...
  19. It all makes sense why Wilco and Tortoise were doing gigs together now. Tortoise needed help with their "math rock," so they went to the "dad rock" for help...hardy har har har.
  20. Check out the combative comments after the article - there's a bit in there about the word 'penultimate.' By using this word the author was implying that Summerteeth was their last alt-country album...hmmm...
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