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The High Heat

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Everything posted by The High Heat

  1. Isn't this...um...man?...paying around $100,000 per month on house rent? I wish I had financial problems!
  2. Rust. In. Pieces. Pontiac died a long time ago. My brother-in-law bought my sister a G-6 a couple of years ago. She absolutely hates it and almost ended up hating him for buying it. She'll be graduating nursing school in two weeks, and the first thing she's going to do with her new $20+/per hour job is get a new car. Bet on a Japanese model.
  3. I favor choice over censorship/control, but when it comes to public entities there has to be common rules for everyone to adhere to. Just as we cannot drive however we feel like on public roads, public broadcasters need to edit themselves: Not so much for censorship's sake, but to put out content that is agreeable at a common denominator. (Isn't this why radio and networks suck?) Parents want to let their children watch content that they feel comfortable with. While public broadcasting is not a right (neither is driving), it is offered; and if anything is public, there are controls we all have
  4. I absolutely love Billy Ripken as a broadcaster, but unfortunately his personality is wasted by working with other broadcaters who don't really have one; same holds true for his work on XM. Who else on the planet can give Cal Ripken, Jr. shit about being the "Golden Boy" but "Little Brother?" Put him with Jon Miller!
  5. Madonna's "Papa Don't Preach" Any and everything by The 2 Live Crew
  6. There is a very small town in NC that is properly pronounced "kon-ne-ta." It is spelled: Conetoe. How do you think the average person pronounces it?
  7. I brought this one up early on in this thread. It is said here in eastern NC, too, though only by the most rural of folks. I never took much notice of it until a couple of years ago when I was dating a woman who had spent most of her life "in the sticks." The first time she said "might could" I looked at her as if she suddenly started speaking Martian. She also stumped me with "tore off the frame." I'm so glad she's not in my life anymore.
  8. In rural NC water is pronounced "woter", and Daddy is pronounced "Diddy."
  9. Thank you. No, he was just a Hoosier. Indiana is not far from the city of Cincinnata, nor is it a great distance from the state of Missoura. Some of you say it like this. It's ai-ight. Don't be a-scared to admit it. In fact, do it twiced.
  10. My Grandfather was from Indiana, where "fish" is pronounced with the "i" sounding like an "e." I'm not quite sure how to properly spell this improperly pronounced word: feish or feysh
  11. This is the only scenario in which I could tolerate Wilco breaking up; in fact, I'd insist.
  12. "Left Out in the Cold on Inauguration Day, You Tease"
  13. Gaetti hit for power before '84 (in the minors, too), though. And Puckett? Well...no power, then 31 HR's. Considering his post-career behavior, I wouldn't put anything past him. What to make of Boggs' HR surge for one season in '87? 1987 seems to be the year when steroids became an "in" thing to try. Perhaps Canseco coming up the year before and being rewarded for juicing was the force propelling its rapid increase in use.
  14. It seems the report of Irving's demise were greatly exaggerated! Thanks for clearing that up and my apologies to those who were falsely saddened. You would think a librarian would know who was whom.
  15. Recently at the library sale I bought 10 books (for $17), one of which I am deeply into: A Prayer for Owen Meany. Got it for $1. Man told me I just bought a collector's item because John Irving had just died. He seemed really happy for me as I also bought two other Irving novels, but he didn't seem too sympathetic to Irving.
  16. I sure hope that's true about Chronicles Vol. Two. I've been wanting that more than an album. He's got like fifty of those. Of course, I'll buy both when they're released.
  17. Bands have a hard time making it in America's music landscape because of the music industry. They want groups they can sell hand over fist - immediately. Bands take time to develop and most often they just can stay together because of the financial difficulties of being bar/club bands for years while they wait for luck to kick in. Most bands break up before they can get signed because the individual members have bills to pay and mouths to feed. What ends up happening is whoever is the most serious about a life in professional music ends up being a solo (in name) act. Jeff Tweedy could have at
  18. There's a small playlist on each channel. I've heard a set of songs in the late morning and heard them again in the early afternoon (on the same channel). I don't want to put anybody out of work, but maybe they could save money by not having dj's on the music channels.
  19. For the next three years the rates are not supposed to be raised, according to their merger agreement with the FCC. It's an agreement with the government, so take it for it's worth. You could do the lifetime subscription plan. Of course, you might want to wait to find out if they stay in business first.
  20. Perhaps you overlooked the last sentence of what you quoted: He has his moments.
  21. As a listener I loved XM, but it's not the same since the Sirius management team took over. Lacks the original variety. I'm only keeping it because I want to listen to MLB games and I don't have cable. I used to listen to Home Plate 175, but now all the experienced, quality people have been released and replaced with a bunch of blowhard douchebags. Ultimately, satellite radio may only survive by going commercial. Bring on the car commercials!
  22. To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain Roots - Alex Haley Mystic River - Dennis Lehane The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho Also love Richard Russo. Anybody read The Ha-Ha by Dave King; or Between the Bridge and the River by (TV's) Craig Ferguson? Not top 5 material but good reads. Don't be put off by a book being written by a tv star - not Ferguson anyway. His book blends humor, religion, sex and philosophy very well. His first novel - the writing gets better as the book goes on. I just bought Owen Meany at the local library sale (along with two other Irving
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