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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Belle & Sebastian. Just did a photo shoot with them. Proper Scots!
  2. i should have tried the Blind Pig when i was at the Toronado.... i had the Elder, a Deschutes Fresh Squeezed, and a Moonlight Boat to Bombay. the difference between the Pliny and the FS was shocking.
  3. i finally got to try Pliny the Elder (btw is it pronounced like Plinny? or Pliney?) when i was in SF two weeks ago. Coit Liquors had some but you had to ask, they didn't have it in the display case. on my third trip there (limit of 2 per person per day), there were two women from Boston in front of me, buying some for friends back home. woman - "I'd like to buy six Plinys, please." store clerk - "Sorry, I can only sell you one or two bottles." woman - "Is it that good?" store clerk - "It's that popular"
  4. obviously my comparison was meant as hyperbole, but every journey begins with a step. do you recall when the Taliban first appeared on the world's radar screen? or at least mine? it wasn't by a public be-heading or stoning. it was when they toppled and destroyed some ancient artifacts that didn't fit their outlook.
  5. agree 100%. it's a fairly recent (ie, last half century or so) development: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeff-schweitzer/founding-fathers-we-are-n_b_6761840.html
  6. play him some Cannibal Ox and ask who its derived from.
  7. it all starts w/ religious zealots. or maybe bombing abortion clinics is a step up from stoning people?
  8. i like her style. some of her songs could use a bit more variation (which is weird, coming from someone who likes The Fall). saw her last year w/ Benjamin Booker at the Sinclair, and now they both have sold out shows there soon.
  9. hey, look! the US has it's own Taliban. and they can make laws.
  10. i guess LJ made enough of an impression to open the next tour!
  11. you sure about that year? this was the show I saw them open: http://www.u2gigs.com/show283.html
  12. that video is a like a time capsule of all the abominable decisions of music production in the '80s.
  13. Too tired to hit Sebadoh last night. Next show is Tuesday. Enslaved and YOB.
  14. Sounded great. Definitely missed MWP a bit but a very solid show all around.
  15. well robyn hitchcock was playing ar GAMH the same night.... not sure if it was a solo show or Venus 3. kinda bummed i couldnt make it but my wife had booked dinner reservations a while ago on the same night.
  16. fantastic show. http://anonym.to/?http://digboston.com/fotobom-the-church-resurrected-at-the-sinclair-312/
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