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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. i'm not debating innocence vs guilt here. the exact word we are wrangling over is "murder." which is why there are terms like homicide, involuntarily manslaughter, etc.
  2. well, that's the rub....'ordering a hit' is pretty specific to a specific individual, which imo isn't what Cheney and Rumsfeld et al did. trust me, i am certainly no Cheney supporter.
  3. murder's a strong word though. indirectly responsible for innocent people dying? yes. were they individually pre-mediated? he'd list under collateral damage, i'm sure.
  4. lying about almost everything, for starters.
  5. i would, but i'm on the run from the mattress police.
  6. mark my words: 2017 will be the year of the Fetzer valve.
  7. i know that post-rock (whatever the fuck that means) isn't all the rage on this page, but this record is highly recommended for fans of Mogwai, MONO, Caspian, Explosions In The Sky, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNsNMpU0I3M
  8. that's why there's the museum! was it solo vocal? I've seen him once, w/ Corsano drumming. i dug it quite a bit, but i can see the polarizing aspect of what he does. this record's not too out there, though: http://www.discogs.com/Dredd-Foole-Ben-Chasny-Drunk-With-Insignificance/release/5099799
  9. staying w/ the local theme and Wilco's occasional penchant for outlier/fringe musicians, this would be a perfect time to get Ben Chasny and Dredd Foole on stage. or better yet, also include Rangda! Corsano was roaming around at least two of these already, and Glenn specifically gave him a shout out at the drum installation at SSF 1 when he was in the room. Rick Bishop's already played one, and Chasny is local too (at least i think he still lives in Western MA). a Rangda set would be intense. do it, please, Wilco!
  10. Lucius is big enough to headline at T5? damn, when did that happen?
  11. Mascis is a natural local pick. Malkmus would rule. How about Mission of Burma? or going back to the Tweedy video w/ the cameo of Steve in it, a Shellac set would be awesome.
  12. i would love Ribot playing a Cubanos Postizos set.
  13. Black Mirror is great. two shows to go.
  14. not in the top 10! http://wallstcheatsheet.com/personal-finance/top-10-states-with-the-highest-taxes.html/?a=viewall NH has no state income nor sales tax, but their property tax is very high to make up for that shortfall. and a pretty sizable portion of people who live in Southern NH end up working in MA so they end up paying the 5.2% income tax anyway.
  15. I would love to see a No Blanket/Chair zone like at Newport FF
  16. semi-related, but i don't feel like starting a new thread on it (at least not yet)... does anyone have an extra spot, lodging-wise? the timing of SSF is when we drop our kids off to summer camp, so my wife can't make it but i got the green light to go.
  17. spoiled w/ the 1st two SSFs. it was definitely way more crowded for #3 (esp around the courtyard stage that the balcony overlooks...the one where The Blisters played) and i was pretty bummed that even my press pass wouldn't get me into the Hunter to catch even a minute of the Cline/Lage show. but was the event truly sold out?
  18. yeah i can't sink the time into going to rummage sales and the like; as it is, i barely make it to the local shops a few times a year. discogs is becoming increasingly my go to site for used stuff.
  19. Ain't nobody got time for that. at least not anymore, since the advent of ebay and discogs.
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