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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. not discovering the band per se, but the song for sure: Red Temple Spirits - The Nile Song (Pink Floyd) Spacemen 3 - Rollercoaster (13th Floor Elevators)
  2. https://twitter.com/lisabloom the prosecution was a joke.
  3. 55 pages. really, did you count how often you had to page down? what about the font size and the embedded images and videos? as for essential reading, this is the politics thread right, not the michael brown thread? it basically talks about the underlying tension and intimidation that occurs on a daily basis. what about the manually rigged red light, you are OK w/ that too? how about judges and prosecutors playing multiple roles? but i must commend you on acquiescing to my demand to read that article. well done.
  4. this is a good question, but one that taxes my failing memory. i think the Damned's cover of "Alone Again Or" was my first exposure to Love. sad to say, but i am also pretty sure that Blake Babies' cover of "Loose" was my first Stooges experience. Sonic Youth's cover of "Hotwire My Heart" was certainly the first time I heard Crime. and CVB's cover of "I Love Her All The Time" may or may not have pre-dated when I first heard Bad Moon Rising.
  5. it's a piece about how the way StL's surrounding towns are divvied up, geographically, and how their town govt's and courts are designed to basically live off poor people via draconian traffic violation enforcement. sounds gripping, right? it's pretty eye-opening and depressing. and call it an assumption, but if all Hixter felt worth mentioning was the travails of the first women profiled in the piece, he certainly didn't get half way through it.
  6. it was a joke. but i've got work to do and am not VC's cliff notes function. "painfully long" is an interesting way to look at it. unfortunately, sound bites dominate our media. read it tonight if you need some time.
  7. i think it's probably more like 15% of the way through. it's a pretty long article w/ a lot more content.
  8. Essential reading. I'd be pissed as fucking hell too. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2014/09/03/how-st-louis-county-missouri-profits-from-poverty/
  9. Canceled my order at the collectors choice shyster site and drove to Bull Moose for a copy. Also picked up the new Shellac, YOB, and a Boards of Canada 12". Looks and sounds superb so far.
  10. you guys have seen the photos of Wilson, right? yeah, he really got the tar knocked out of him. good ol' Fox News: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/08/20/missouri-cop-was-badly-beaten-before-shooting-michael-brown-says-source/
  11. some holiday weekend reading, if you want to dig in: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/11/25/us/evidence-released-in-michael-brown-case.html?smid=fb-share&_r=0
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xc9xhv5Tj0Y
  13. sweet. i finally saw him this year headlining the Oddball tour...he was incredibly funny.
  14. awesome. how was it? did you buy stuff from his site previously or get tipped off? i was too late.
  15. i wonder how the native americans voted on this.
  16. i emailed them today for a status (i've yet to receive any email side from the confirmation since i placed the order a few weeks ago) and referenced the grumblings and cancellations from this board. haven't received a reply yet.
  17. i thought it was great. you knew it was gonna be heavy on the new record, which i still haven't digested much, but they certainly hit all aspects of their songbook. 25 songs is not shabby! there's something to be said about massed vocals like that...pretty rare to see a band pull that off so well. i got in the place about 10 min before TPOBPAH got on, and the building was relatively empty, which surprised me. by the time NPs got on stage, it was pretty much at capacity. nice running into OCB at the very end of the show! i should have my photos and review up tonight. here's a teaser
  18. i always have good luck on Yawkey Way, personally. there is no parking on Lansdowne (or very limited), and Ipswich is all resident sticker only.
  19. this. P4K could have 10 different writers write 10 different reviews.
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