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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. would anyone really care about an original lineup Son Volt tour? oh, i would add King Crimson to this list as well.
  2. i disagree....i like the lo-fi approach to this.
  3. yeah that was the show. i'd seen them on the Love Kraft tour before that and they were phenomenal. i've see Gruff solo twice and it's been fun, just not the same.
  4. i got a random email from these people but couldn't make their show...i'll check 'em out if they hit Boston again (they are from Chicago): http://crownlarks.bandcamp.com/ Steven R Smith is one of my favorite guitarists ever...and he's got all of his stuff (solo, anyway) up: http://worstward.bandcamp.com/
  5. Super Furry Animals? i saw them in 2009 last. kind of a dismal show, to be honest. was hoping for a lot more.
  6. i thought that S-K was gonna reform, but apparently not. Wild Flag is over, though. for GnR, i don't see Izzy joining the band. i replied to the Fugazi post by also including Minor Threat. i can't imagine Ian (or anyone) would want to re-live that moment....would seem really silly.
  7. The Mondays opened for the Psych Furs a few years ago, but I know that Bez wasn't there. not sure of the others.
  8. here's my list off the top of my head...who'd I miss (Top ten bands that will likely never see the original lineup play again (excluding bands w/ dead members, obviously))? http://www.bigtakeover.com/top-ten/Tim-Bugbee-140504
  9. yeah those two are shoo-ins for sure.
  10. yeah she was fighting the sound, which was weird...they would have had plenty of time to soundcheck (but her vocals sounded better after the 1st song). they also did a Crooked Fingers song, Sleep All Summer. yeah, the comedians were fantastic. the Thune bit about him and his dog being stoned was awesome.
  11. right on. i think we are in row K
  12. Eugene Mirman and friends (including Neko Case and Eric Bachmann)
  13. yeah i was thinking about this other day. would love to see it come out at some point.
  14. Britt's in a new project called Watter, w/ a couple of the guys from Grails. good to see him playing again, i agree. he's awesome.
  15. fantastic song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8yNLzlTKLA
  16. it means that he's smashing remaindered copies of these
  17. so you're saying that Lenny Kravitz has a pretty good shot?
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