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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. full Queens set: http://youtu.be/JMp_dEb-B44 why do they insist on playing Make It Wit Chu? god that song sucks.
  2. Anyone else watching? Warpaint is on now, and really sounding quite good. Looking good, too. Missed Ty Segall's set and doubt I'm gonna be awake for the QOTSA set. Kinda bummed Mogwai isn't getting broadcast. Seen enough of dub step to know that the music and it's fans are the fucking worst. Neko's set was good, Afghan Whigs were ok, but Bryan Ferry really killed it. Damn. And I really like Broken Bells without ever having heard a note prior to last night.
  3. well i'll be damned. Bjork put out her debut LP when she was 11. http://www.discogs.com/Bj%C3%B6rk-Gu%C3%B0mundsd%C3%B3ttir-Bj%C3%B6rk/master/1870
  4. the criteria is vague so that armchair guitar techs can argue back and forth. but i would agree that influence (however you care to measure that) is a big one, at least in how I interpret it. and looking back at the careers of Black Flag and Sonic Youth, and what they accomplished, it's insanity to exclude them. for lammy, the tl;dr version: BF/SY - yes
  5. i didn't realize this was the essay part of the thread. and how can Bjork's total of years snubbed be 12, whereas Sonic Youth's is only 6?
  6. i don't think Television nor Joy Division qualify. Hell, might as well let in Slint too then. i don't really like Iron Maiden, but they definitely qualify. Same w/ Slayer - why they aren't in is because they didn't sell nearly as many records as Metallica. Motorhead should be in too. Whitney Houston is a solid choice too, esp if you are gonna consider commercial and popularity aspects of induction. I love Nick Drake's work but i don't agree with him getting in. Devo, Sonic Youth, Black Flag and Nick Cave, 100% agree. should have been done years ago. Pixies, New Order and De
  7. Skip Spence Roky Erickson Peter Green Darby Crash GG was more than just a stage show. He had serious problems. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. good to see we've got Terry Richardson on the board.
  9. this band is pretty good: http://yamantakasonictitan.bandcamp.com/album/yt-st
  10. yeah i think i'll shoot the show if there's a list spot. i still haven't gotten around to seeing TWOD despite them playing in town at least 4 times.
  11. Dylan, Huey Lewis, Bruce Hornsby are also mentioned. surprised to see no one's mentioned the Kurt Vile angle yet...KV was a member of TWOD, and Adam was a Violator. they kinda split as each project began taking more and more time, but i think they are still on good terms. i might be there next week. i'm the middle-aged,short, bearded guy w/ the leg brace.
  12. anyone playing "Yesterday" on an instrument other than a contra-bassoon will struck by lightning instantly.
  13. that's an interesting angle i hadn't considered. so what happens if you choose #2, and a band you really like is touring on a new record they just put out? when they play something from their back catalog, you'd be enveloped in a cone of silence. ok, let's go w/ that.
  14. no, it's an arbitrary line in the sand, with time zero starting today. say you've never heard Can's Ege Bamyasi. well, if you choose scenario #2, you can listen to it 24-7, but (I'm guessing) that songs from _Apostrophe'_ would be off limits, including previously unissued live recordings, demos, or covers from other bands.
  15. no, that loophole doesn't exist in my premise. old recordings, live recordings, covers of songs you've already heard - off limits in scenario #2. the only exception to that is if you are a musician....clearly you've got to be able to play (and listen, i would imagine) your own compositions. i don't want people to go bankrupt here.
  16. that's a really strange way of looking at it. why would you be forced to listen to that stuff just because you haven't already? do you think you've exhausted the current supply of music that you would enjoy?
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