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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. i once saw Jeff "monoman" Connolly dump a big bowl of potato salad on Bob Pollard's ass. or maybe it was the other way around. everyone was pretty drunk at the time.
  2. I've seen Mikael assault his keyboards with pillows. Does that count?
  3. i haven't shot George since 2008...forgot about that upcoming show, maybe i'll put in for it.
  4. sorry that you thought it was snark. it's a poorly written article if a qualifier that negates the headline is in the 2nd sentence.
  5. Please correct your topic title "The most influential non-hip-hop record of the early '90s "
  6. If I had a teleportation device, I would be seeing OM in Brooklyn.
  7. Yeah he's gonna be at the HardRock here in Boston. Figure it might be Rollins extra lite In other news, Spirit Caravan is back together for a tour. \m/
  8. Devo is an amazing band, one that pushed so many boundaries and it's sad that most people who know them is just for "Whip It". Rip Bob.
  9. I am not too enthused about the new record but am really pumped for the upcoming show.
  10. did you see his european set lists? holy christ. the covers (both non-Pavement and Pavement) were epic.
  11. their new record is pretty great. i'm definitely gonna try to catch them when they come by.
  12. They were the first band I ever did a photo shoot with. Edit - scratch that...Psychic TV was. TFC was my first magazine cover. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Songs/Northern Britain is something i couldn't get into, but i guess i fell off the wagon after buying a copy of The King. they have some lovely songs, but i don't think they ever topped "Everything Flows."
  14. i'm sure that had more to do w/ Aerosmith than BOC's sound guy. a few years ago at Fenway, Tyler got pissed when Peter Wolf walked out on the little runway jutting out from the stage (J Geils Band opened). Apparently Wolf wasn't supposed to have full use of the stage. it's pretty common for opening bands to get the shaft, sound-wise, so i wouldn't doubt that that's what happened here.
  15. Billy Childish has built a career (and considerable discography) out of that.
  16. some fictional character. like the rest of us.
  17. thanks Gary! we'll be teaming up again for the Malkmus show that's in a couple of weeks.
  18. that's actually quite funny, but i didn't write that. thanks for checking it out!
  19. much love and empathy to Sue and her family.
  20. review and photos from the show: http://digboston.com/boston-music-concerts/2014/02/review-galactic-charles-bradley-the-house-of-blues-friday-2-7/
  21. i directly left the show to head to Loon on Friday night and just got back...am gonna file my photos and there'll be a review as well (not by me) published at DigBoston. i'll shoot a link in the concert review section when it's up. great skiing this weekend btw. the mountain was in fabulous shape.
  22. so you saw Moby Dick? gonna see Mission of Burma tonight...it's been a while.
  23. sorry to downgrade Sharon to friend, but i wasn't sure and didn't want to make assumptions yeah that was a fun show...the singer added a lot, i think. unfortunately i had to bail a bit early so i could drive up to Loon last night. good day of skiing today until i blew out of one of my bindings at high speed and tweaked my wrist.
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