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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. I am still waiting for the Partridge/Hitchcock material to be recorded and/or released. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Possibly New Bums. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Thanks guys. I'll put up a few more when the review is posted.
  4. hahahaaahaaaa....Fox News strikes again? the Tasmans will be pissed. Seach area. really?
  5. thanks Moss! i've got more done, but i'll wait for the writer to file his story.
  6. and $400, in the grand scheme of audio systems and 'high fidelity', is a small drop in the bucket.
  7. I do. Will post a few after I finish eating. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. yeah i was hobbling around in the pit. security got me a chair side stage on Cooley's side which was nice. i was shooting for DigBoston, and am working on the photos now. here's a teaser
  9. Yeah that was the best of the 6 times I've seen DBT. The band is really clicking. Loved the slight rearrangement of Puttin People on the Moon.
  10. i can't recommend this highly enough. fantastic, sometimes stomach-churning story. watched this last weekend. although it was a bit too long, it really hit the mark. fantastic performances. i liked the style of shooting tight in a lot of the scenes. the facial expressions throughout the movie had a huge range.
  11. tmrw around noon or so, send an email asking for set times to: PhoneAmbassador.Bost@livenation.com
  12. first off, it wasn't a real death threat. secondly, Mojo Nixon isn't actually a physical threat. Rollins kinda takes himself a bit too seriously at times but yeah, i could see him doing that. i wonder if Henry ended up finding the guy w/ one shoe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJwtEdhJq8w
  13. it would have bene more badass had Mojo turned and plunged a knife into him.
  14. yeah i agree that it would seem like The Stooges are kaput. No Asheton in the lineup wouldn't be right. glad i got to see them 4 times though.
  15. this is a total guess, and doesn't include mp3s: 1940's - >1% 1950's - >1% 1960's - 10% 1970's - 15% 1980's - 30% 1990's - 25% 2000's - 15% 2010's - 5%
  16. he states blankly behind some dark lenses, cig dangling insolently from his lower lip.
  17. from a facebook friend last night: "Tori Amos has located the lost city of Atlantis"
  18. i don't know a St. Padraig. just having a bit of craic.
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