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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Nice meeting you and your friend last night, WRP.
  2. Set times for Galactic this evening are as follows: Doors 7pm Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires 8pm Galactic 9:30-11:30pm yeah i'll be taking photos along w/ two my friends. i'll see what i can do about getting photos of Stanton, but good drummer photos are tough sometimes. depends on the stage/drum layout and lighting.
  3. definitely get there in time for the Screaming Eagle of Soul. i think he goes at 8 but i haven't had set times sent over yet.
  4. nice. i haven't been to that restaurant since it was near Dali. remember at the Boston show pre-SSF Tweedy gave away a gift cert to Craigie on Main?
  5. i heard this today...great song, and i like how Richard and Fontaine try to hold the note at the end for as long as they can until they start laughing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub85AszC87s
  6. yeah he's a solid shooter. not terribly fond of some of his style choices of late (really high contrast/HDR-like effects) but one can't argue w/ his success and access. i met him at Newport a couple of years ago briefly when he was shooting there.
  7. i'll be there. say hi if you are on the rail.
  8. i gotta go w/ "A Magazine Called Sunset." that magnificent little pop creation languishes through life as an under-represented b-side.
  9. i've heard good things about LZ2. the singer plays sax in a metal band called Yakuza, who i saw a few years ago.
  10. Arctic Monkeys, Deerhunter, The Orwells.
  11. no. the juxtaposition of "overweight" spurred that particular google image search. when i think of the term "Asian" on its own, i think
  12. thanks. the post was in no way meant to insert a bee into mr heartbreak's bonnet.
  13. i'm gonna buy a house at Walmart and return it after the weekend.
  14. here's a vid i took of their Zevon cover last year (watch it in 720 and stick around for the searing guitar solo that Cooley unleashes right at my camera) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikBwn43eq1k
  15. Decoration Day is their greatest achievement. The new one sounds good. Better than the last three easily. WRP, don't discount the odds and ends record, The Fine Print. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. for dancing around to mostly pre-recorded tracks, it was pretty alright.
  17. Last year was the only really hot SSF. The second was certainly the wettest.
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