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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Immergluck and the drummer pull double duty as well.
  2. actually, i left as that one was getting underway. if i was 6'2" or so i would have hung out a bit longer. couldn't see shit.
  3. i did. i didn't stick around for the whole show (left after "Hunted Down" which I really wanted to hear, but the place was jammed and a good viewing spot was hard to come by when i left the photo pit). a couple of photos I worked on before i went to sleep last night. here's the set list (and kudos to them for changing it up a lot from show to show) and two of Mr Cornell
  4. hey free show by them at the Earth Day concert this saturday.
  5. it doesn't count as it's not on a stage or recording studio, but i thought this was funny to see:
  6. cool, thx. yeah, the Brookline store looks to be sold out of those.
  7. i saw them earlier this year but left after i was done shooting the 1st three so i could watch the Pats/Ravens game. that didn't turn out to be such a great idea in hindsight.
  8. Soundgarden tonight, Mudhoney last Friday.
  9. what did the label look like (ie, was there anything specifically different about it)? i was in the Brookline Booksmith last night and looked for some...saw some sea salt bars but there was nothing on the label to distinguish it as being SSF-related, and i didn't want to drop $10 on a candy bar that had no chance of winning. maybe i'll swing into Formaggio Kitchen later today.
  10. that was unreal...i missed the 1st half of the 3rd period working on some stuff and saw it was 4-1...my wife said it was over. we decided to keep watching. holy shit.
  11. it's not quite the same, finding a golden ticket in a yogurt cup.
  12. the sound desk is on the floor, centered. it's for a reason.
  13. Not if a normal sized person was standing in front of him.
  14. are you a midget? and you can't argue w/ the sound being better on the sides.
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