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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. i just noticed the Waterloo Sunset > Waterloo sequencing. ha! i told Jeff at the dinner that i totally dug their version of Don't Fear The Reaper, and he seemed to appreciate it. i think their roadie was on cowbell duties for that one.
  2. did anyone see this guy on stage w/ Mulcahy?
  3. thanks for the link...i downloaded the NYC Taper set last night but haven't listened to it yet...will give this one a try first. too bad I didn't end up meeting you, but i made acquaintances very randomly w/ Paulcalypse and Ghost of Westerberg yesterday.
  4. Foxygen singer Sam France, who must have escaped detention (this was taken in the field, between Neko's set and Wilco's)
  5. Prig's a cool word. Pedant, too. No shortage of those on other boards, too (not implying any specific application of that tag, and it could easily be applied to me).
  6. Dude, it was one guy posting a video several times. Sorry you didn't enjoy the show nearly as much as the majority, and enjoy the time off VC. see you when it's time to return.
  7. while i'm sitting here waiting for my files to download (yeah, i brought everything i needed except for my card reader...), i gotta do a bit of quick dump of random thoughts on SSFIII - Euclid Records had an awesome selection, and very clean copies too. between my friend and me, we dropped almost $600 today. yowza. - the festival was *way* more crowded than the previous two editions. Wilco's marketing team really nailed it, but there are some growing pains that need to be worked out...some of the food vendors ran out of stuff (rice at Veggie Oasis; samosas at Samosa Man; chicken tikka at t
  8. I guess I'm pretty amazed that there were some songs people didn't know very well...that performance was like an awesome radio station cranking out total bliss. even though they didn't play my request of "Gold Soundz," I will take some credit for getting Pavement in there
  9. white denim was really disappointing to me...*way* too much jam action, which i hadn't really picked up on via the recordings I'd heard. Ribot and Hidalgo were excellent today. i love Marc's playing so much, and he was having a lot of fun today. it sucked. first off, the old fart demanded that everyone sit down. what the hell is that all about? then they played recordings of themselves talking, ruining the chance for Glenn and Darin to really cut loose. boring and pointless, sadly. thanks, and likewise! safe travels back home.
  10. It was alright but being billed as "dinner with the band" was a big stretch. Tweedy went around the enormously long single table and high fived everyone. There was probably 100 ppl or so. At least.
  11. When I heard the ABBA cover I was pretty happy about this board. People win on Via Chicago. Though my particular Pavement request wasn't played (Gold Soundz) I was super happy to hear Cut My Hair.
  12. I talked briefly with the singer in Joes Field between Neko and Wilco. Noticea cut on his forehead but had no idea what happened as I was waiting for Low at the other stage. This festival has a LOT more people this year.
  13. i saw that all 3 day passes have sold out for the first time. curious to see if that translates to a considerably larger crowd as compared to the previous two.
  14. woot! seriously, the rarities/covers show tonight is gonna be so fun.
  15. it is. "Smooth Sailing" is the only dud on the record.
  16. sweet! still bringing my camera rain sleeves and poncho, though.
  17. part of me wants the Bruins to lose tonight so i don't miss the potential clincher on Saturday...
  18. forecast calls for chance of storms on friday and sunday...no rain!
  19. yeah, that's awesome news. i would love to see O'Rourke on stage again.
  20. where'd you read that? last recent photo i saw of O'Rourke, he looked like he was well on his way to Howard Hughes-dom. Is he really gonna start making music again?
  21. to be honest, it was pretty easy to avoid the pit. my wife watched w/ another friend on the side balcony a bit. i was upfront for the first three but was getting bashed in pretty good so i retreated to side stage. this guy nearly took me out twice...luckily i picked him up just quickly enough to duck my head and gear.
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