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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Mr Heartbreak, given yr avatar, i am surprised that you didn't make note of James 'Blood' Ulmer or Sonny Sharrock either. or John Fahey? Bill Frisell seemed to get the shaft too. and to my fellow VCers, apologies for my inflammatory rhetoric. my vigorous defense is likely stemming from the fact that a lot of these people (71 in fact) i've either bought records of, or seen perform. just that they made Spin's list wouldn't mean they would make mine (eg, i love Yo La Tengo but sometimes Ira's wankery really gets on my nerves; lydia lunch should never make it anywhere near a top 1000 list;
  2. to paraphrase JLL, there's a whole lotta knee-jerkin' goin' on
  3. so an 11 year old justin beiber fan's list has equal merit to yours? maybe the NYT should hire someone who only eats at KFC as a food critic. rise of the internet = the death of the pundit.... do you believe it?
  4. what's so obnoxious about it? you are the one who made the broad statement.
  5. my name's not actually Dennis...and i'm not 37. check scene 3 http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/mphg/mphg.htm
  6. everyone's got a different reference point of what makes music good. but that's your favorite line?
  7. mr heartbreak, no need to be so old and cranky... out of those 100 names, you could only find one good one? not even the token Nels inclusion made your list of one?
  8. have you heard everyone on that list? seriously, Derek Bailey was doing bizarre, avant-garde shit when Beck was learning barre chords.
  9. you are welcome to try that maneuver. and my name's Dennis. I'm 37.
  10. ah, yes...page 1 instead of 11. my misunderstanding. that said, i agree completely w/ Moss and Anthonyc007 on this list. for sure it's self-conscious and pandering, but at least there are some interesting and very notable names here.
  11. what's so controversial about giving Ranaldo and Moore their due?
  12. Duane Denison (the Jesus Lizard) another great inclusion. Jansch and Barr, too. so far, so good. Eugene Chadbourne Rowland S. Howard and Mick Harvey (The Birthday Party)Mick Ronson (David Bowie/Morrissey) Wino this list is definitely working for me. Greg Sage (Wipers) Robbie Basho this list is awesome.
  13. Keiji Haino fuck yeah. i am only through a few pages but i tihnk Spin has done a decent job so far, Skillex notwithstanding
  14. not sure if that's facetious but that's a prime arsehole move, one that really pisses me off.
  15. awesome, have a blast! i gotta make it down there at some point in my life.
  16. no, i still love the tune. just a bummer that Ariel Pink doesn't write as a good song as i used to think
  17. ^^ i had no idea that was a cover. bummer, that was by far my favorite song on that record.
  18. esp since they were the first non-Seattle area band to get signed to Sub Pop
  19. i listened to it once last year from start to end. it had its moments.
  20. http://www.prefixmag.com/photos/roadburn-sleep-om-voivod-the-obsessed-killing-joke/#photo-1 awesome festival...had a freaking amazingly good time. definitely want to make it back again. such as well run and thought out event.
  21. if you are lumping me in that group, just know that i have spent a fair amount of time listening to recordings both studio and live (at the behest of friends) and have seen them live once too.
  22. that's a joke, right? if your drummer ain't sweatin', yr band ain't rockin' this looks like some high school talent show.
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