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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. She's been hanging around w/ Wade Boggs it seems. anyone get this reference?
  2. The video was actually pretty decent.
  3. iirc, the correct protocol involves strangling people with their blankets.
  4. the GA is the cheapest ticket. total win. sitting is for pussies.
  5. i didn't realize he was still alive, never mind recording.
  6. i can rationalize that i go to most shows w/o paying, so on an annual basis, it's not so bad if you work out $/shows.
  7. Neil's the only one i would consider dropping that amount of $ for...it's not like the prime seats for Roger Waters are any cheaper, or whatever the idiots who buy via Stubhub pay for good seats on a routine basis. and i'm gonna make my wife pay for her own ticket.
  8. this same thread occurred during Neil's solo theatre tour, and despite the # of people bellyaching about the cost of entry, i think that most if not all venues were sold out. Neil's gauged his market pretty accurately, i'd say. why leave that $ to the scalpers?
  9. fuck it., i'm in. i doubt there will be another Crazy Horse tour, and i'd like to see them once last time.
  10. i can't wait for the 'Neil is gouging his fans' posts to start up again.
  11. they were pretty good. i only caught the last song as we were waiting forever to get beer...i've seen 'em before in an expanded lineup and that was quite excellent.
  12. they got on at 8:40 for the Boston show.
  13. have fun, it was a great show in Boston
  14. pretty damned good. those guys are true pros. the sound was amazing, easily the best sounding outdoor show i've been to. it probably helped that i had pit tickets. not the biggest KoL fan but overall a great performance.
  15. bummer. i always liked those guys. listened to _The Mollusk_ yesterday in fact. also a fun fact...Ween were the first band shoot I ever did w/ from a photo pit.
  16. Al and Matt watching Slayer sound check last Friday:
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