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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. after last night's Melvins pummeling, I'm listening to Sugar Daddy Live, and it's pretty solid. Melvins have a bunch of live stuff now, so it's a bit tough to just pick one document...i guess it depends on what facet of their discography you are most interested in.
  2. Melvins tonight...state #25 of their daily conquering of the US.
  3. or REM's "We Walk" w/ the giant boom (which iirc was the sound of a billiards break)
  4. not sure if that would really qualify...Lou was the one who got pissed off. J was just his passive/aggressive self. and that water has long since flowed under the bridge. how about on-stage fights? Stephen O'Malley and Greg Anderson have duked it out. as did the drummer from Radio Moscow and Parker Griggs (whose forehead was on the receiving end of his thrown guitar) http://www.pluginmus...age-during-show
  5. but Arm went the distance to not only write one but two songs about her ("Into Yer Schtick" and "Drinking For Two")
  6. first i'll be seeing Marc Ribot, then i gotta head over to Royale to see Caspian, Cursive and Minus The Bear.
  7. Forget The Swan! they don't seem to do Raisans much anymore, which is too bad
  8. Billy Childish vs Jack White Mark Arm vs Courtney Love Sonic Youth vs Courtney Love Mogwai vs Blur Robert Pollard vs Flaming Lips/Conor Oberst/Sebadoh, etc
  9. that one's good. i've heard mixed reviews on Devil Went Home and Puked, Some Drinking Implied (i think i had this on VHS), Austin City Limits (Pollard being too drunk being the main problem) and The Who Went Home and Cried.
  10. GBV has a few DVDs out, but this is the crown jewel. it's really great. The Band That Would Be King (1/2 Japanese) is also a good view.
  11. heading down to ATP's I'll Be Your Mirror trmw...probably the weakest lineup of the 6 i've been to so far (and the venue is a big question mark in and of itself), but i am sure i will still have a lot of fun.
  12. WMJ is the greatest documentary ever made, about the greatest American band. i still need to see the Burma doc.
  13. Omitting Watch Me Jumpstart from this list is ludicrous.
  14. some people have opinions. i pray to allah it won't let it stop you from snarkiness.
  15. i got into the Dublin too late for The Necks last night.
  16. not really sure how one defines 'lead guitar' but here are bands that i would consider to have really exceptional two guitar interplay thin white rope big dipper come polvo tar the chameleons sonic youth swervedriver grails television the church
  17. can you have a rhythm guitarist in a band w/ just one guitarist?
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