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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. let me know when the Sword writes something remotely close to Quadrophenia. this is the only Who record in concert that i'd pay that much to see.
  2. same night as The Who...i'm already booked.
  3. The Pill is good. others that should be on the list: six organs of admittance - ascent lee ranaldo - between the times and the tides rangda - formerly extinct swans - the seer
  4. top 3? not sure if these are the best, but i listened to them a lot this year. top 3 seems a bit silly, to be honest. Om - Advaitic Songs James Blackshaw - Love is the Plan, the Plan is Death Jon Porras - Black Mesa
  5. i have stockpiled six wheelbarrows full of milk, water, bread and eggs.
  6. Ouch! heal up. they opened for Wild Flag this year...i liked them
  7. Rush. at least two songs from their new record (one w/ a string section)...
  8. did you go to the ICA thing? if so, how was it? i chatted about baseball w/ them at the Middle East a few years back.
  9. ^^^ that one is a bona fide classic. here's one that is disturbing
  10. yeah it should be fun. this'll be my 5th straight cover (the others being Nada Surf, Vivian Girls, Pains of Being Pure At Heart, Teenage Fanclub).
  11. i'm shooting all of the shows, and doing a session w/ Beach House for the cover of the next issue of The Big Takeover.
  12. last night was Calexico, tonight is Swans, tmrw night is Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, sat night is Slug Guts and Monday is Beach House. i am sure i can find a show to go to on Sunday.
  13. Moon Duo is playing tonight...if they were playing in a club on my street, i'd go. but i don't think i can marshall the energy for an 11PM start in Boston...
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