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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. a few weeks ago i was at the Hot Stove Cool Music benefit, and local band Mean Creek was on playing towards the end. I'd never heard them before but they sounded good. the guy next to me (right at the front of the stage, mind) obviously didn't share my feelings, and spent several minutes head down, poking around on his iphone. the guitar player casually sauntered over to him and gave a gentle nudge to the phone w/ her foot. it was pretty awesome seeing the guy's face.
  2. well i guess someone could confuse the two; i just took 'times' at its literal meaning. perhaps 'fold' would infer logarithmic behavior? any way, i am never one for turning down a beer
  3. glad to see my engineering degree helped you out today. i'm not arguing the futility of trying to quantify things that can't be objectively measured.
  4. what's alleged about this error? from a math perspective, it's pretty clear. what's 4 times greater than 5? it's 20. not 625.
  5. X times 20 is not equal to X^20 unless X = zero, of course.
  6. The National were chosen to curate next December's ATP Nightmare Before Christmas http://www.atpfestival.com/newsview/1201181400.php
  7. thanks for the heads up!!! sounding really good so far. bring on the tour!!!
  8. it's not quite facy enough. in fact, i doubt you are bob dobbs.
  9. here are some choices from the site i contribute to: http://www.prefixmag.com/features/lists/most-anticipated-albums-2012/60782/
  10. i had a Big Star LP in my hands but it didn't feel heavy enough to include one of the test pressings so i put it back.
  11. looks like moth antennae to me, or maybe the center of a flower
  12. damn! check out: R3HYt8PqnA8 Eyp71Wpy4e0 and no love for Sebadoh?! crazy talk.
  13. fantastic show. Real Estate's gotten more confident on stage, and i think I like The Babies more than either Woods or Vivian Girls. http://www.prefixmag.com/photos/real-estate-the-babies-cuffs-brighton-music-hall-b/#photo-1
  14. Walken or Hate It Here definitely need to be sent to the showers before BBN
  15. didn't know Bluebird. i'll have a go at it: Berbati's Pan Khyber Pass Southgate House Emo's Lounge Ax The Rat Kennel Club Bug Jar Jabberjaw Orange Peel
  16. i've seen them twice and they are a really fun band. here's my review of the show just after Christmas: http://www.prefixmag.com/photos/the-roots-house-of-blues-boston-pics/
  17. heh, i skipped this show (had seen the prior 2 shows) in favor of Real Estate last night. CVB as novelty? nah, CVB >> Cracker in my book.
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