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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. thanks! if i won the 'make a wish' contest, draining a bottle of 18 y/o scotch w/ Neko and shooting the shit would be up on the list.
  2. Henry Rollins has been in a lot of movies. Jello Biafra has been in some too. Jim Jarmusch has cast a few musicians (other than Tom Waits) in his films, including John Lurie, Iggy Pop, some of the guys from Wu Tang Clan, and Gibby Haynes.
  3. Greg Weeks Cecil Taylor John McIntire Steve Albini
  4. There's a site limit to the number of photos i can post, so rather than cut this into several posts, i'll just keep the narrative: Mike Watt @ TT the Bears. Punk rock legend, and rightfully so. i haven't seen him on stage in a non-Stooges lineup since fIREHOSE in the 90s. his hyphenated man record was ace, and sounded great. did a couple Minutemen songs too. Come @ Oberon. Though I saw them (improbably) twice last year when they reformed for the Matador 21 thing and did a warmup gig prior to leaving for Vegas, this spring's show was equally as good and had a new song or two in the
  5. good thread, i was meaning to collect my thoughts and this thread is as good as any impetus. i did see two of your listed tours (Echo, Wilco). shit...i just hit 'save changes' forgetting that i was editing a post...it's not quite ready yet i just did the rough math...i saw 64 different shows this year, as well as three festivals that had at least 30 acts at each. i think that total is down a bit from last year, but it's still well over 200 different performances i shot (i also saw a couple that i didn't shoot, most notably Wilco's show at CitiWang as i hate their shooting restrictions, o
  6. Ann Magnuson belongs wherever the hell she pleases.
  7. i saw her open for The Pretenders and Cat Power a few summers ago. pretty fun show! btw, some people seem to be confused about the difference between 'actors who can sing' and 'singers who can act'
  8. Vincent Gallo's got a pretty solid record to his name.
  9. i got a boxee box (similar to the Roku) that i'm about to try out tonight.
  10. i would keep 'em out of the room if possible...and i'd be more worried about them chewing LP corners.
  11. unless you are planning on moving again soon, or live in an earthquake zone, i wouldn't bother. if you have to secure it during a move, just use a twist tie.
  12. this is awesome...Matt Pike in high school
  13. IRDB, i've actually seen Phish twice, once a couple years ago @ Fenway, and their very first Boston show in '89, when they rented the Paradise themselves because no one would book them. two friends of mine at UMass were HUGE fans and dragged me to both shows.
  14. who hit the operatic final note on "Candyfloss"?
  15. Spent is a pretty awesome surprise opener. blast from the past!
  16. listening to the stream on my main stereo now...excellent, excellent show. great, .balanced sound. thanks again, Wilco.
  17. Video of Big Dipper's tribute to Pollard (entitled, natch, "Robert Pollard")
  18. well, for a Wilco-themed board, i figured it was a foregone conclusion. assume it's a top 11, then.
  19. in no particular order Guided By Voices/Robert Pollard - best songwriter of the post-70s, hands down. prodigious output...95%+ Neil Young - can be soft, can be abrasive, can write some amazing lyrics. 75% Mogwai - kings of the loud/soft dynamics. absolutely wipes the floor w/ bands like Explosions in the Sky. 95% Sonic Youth - the most influential band of my generation. i don't find my self listening to the very early material or the outre-SYR recordings that often, though. 80% Black Sabbath - the most important metal band of all time. i've got time for all the Ozzy material, and most of the
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