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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. my wife got a copy of Entertainment Weekly (magazine drive/fundraiser for school) and they had Vile in this year's top 10!
  2. let's be clear here...Michael McD did the yachting up of The Dan, at least until Aja onwards.
  3. "In the musical sense, yacht rock refers to the highly polished brand of soft rock that emanated from Southern California between 1976 and 1984. The term is meant to suggest the kind of smooth, mellow music that early yuppies likely enjoyed while sipping champagne and snorting cocaine on their yachts. Significant "yacht rockers" include Michael McDonald, Kenny Loggins, Christopher Cross, and Toto."
  4. Kaputt is way too yacht rock for me, and i like steely dan.
  5. a friend said that 'Bon Iver' is French for 'as boring as Iron and Wine'
  6. i shot that show and remember when the gates opened and it was a mad rush to the front of the stage. the running of the U2 fans in Foxboro.
  7. is there some sort of weird capitalization macro going on?
  8. after reading a few posts in the Morrissey forum, those fans scare me.
  9. pretty much this entire song, but esp this part: Taking inspiration from Husker Du It's a new generation of electric white boy blues
  10. Elf Power has a good one. there are a few bands that have done covers of entire LPs (Japancakes, Clawhammer, Pussy Galore, etc).
  11. 1st post to draw traffic to yr ill-formed opinions. no thanks.
  12. Silver Jews...Berman is fucking awesome w/ words. So if you don't want me I promise not to linger, But before I go I gotta ask you dear about the tan line on your ring finger. No one should have two lives, now you know my middle names are wrong and right. Honey we've got two lives to give tonight.
  13. KaBOOM! CtK out of nowhere w/ the blindside hit. how've you been, man?
  14. i don't doubt that Gallagher's written some good tunes, but 'original' is about the last adjective i'd use to describe them. maybe i need to check out this bloke's new LP.
  15. Doctor B's got it. that's a great one. here's one from Costello (who's got a lot of great lyrics): (sorry for the code but these lyric sites seem to make simple cut and paste impossible these days) You're upstairs with the boyfriend while I'm left here to listen. (Angry) I hear you calling his name, I hear the stutter of ignition. (Angry) I could hear you whispering as I crept by your door. So you found some other joker who could please you more. Chorus: I'm not angry, (Angry)
  16. you sure about that? there were a lot of records released...
  17. if you are a landscaper, don't worry about it.
  18. kurt vile - we tried to school you but you just cut class
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