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Eternal Instigator

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Everything posted by Eternal Instigator

  1. Isn't this what Solid Sound is for? A chance to rub shoulders with the band and hear sets that only a field full of superfans could appreciate? To me, SSF is a gift from Wilco with love. And I don't care how far I have to drive to accept it with sincere gratitude.
  2. That was us and we got upgraded to Row J, Section 2 Tuesday night. I was in the 2nd row pit on Wednesday night and got those during the pre-sale. The people that sat around us were all coupled up, in their 30's and it wasn't their first show. However, they were pretty subdued and didn't sing along or dance as much as I would have liked. I probably looked like a freak next to them but i was too busy singing and dancing to care lol! I agree, though, that being in a venue like that where you are so close to the band and it sounds sooooo good, the seats should be filled with fans who own 15+ shirt
  3. I have to dance to this song. Doesn't matter where I am, I dance.
  4. I'm loving this!!! Personally, I'm not going to sit around and try to compare it with anything else they've done. The thing about music, is that it's an art and represents the artist at that particular moment. The songs may have been sitting around for awhile, but the interpretation is by Wilco in the here and now, not Wilco in 1997. I'm going to sit here with my headphones and enjoy it for what it is. And, so far, I love what it is! Can't wait to hear AoA live...crossing my fingers I'm on the Nels side of the stage lol!
  5. Solid Sound is very family friendly. Even the bands bring their entire families! I think we're going to bring our 8 1/2 year old to one of the shows this year. He recently inherited my old iPod Nano which contained pretty much my entire Wilco collection. I offered to put whatever he wanted on there, but he still hasn't asked lol! He does, however, request A Magazine Called Sunset in the car and has been trying to play I Might on his drums. I think he's ready for a show!
  6. How about a sort of "count the jellybeans in the jar" contest: How many shows has bbop been to?
  7. He announced it as a new one before he played it tonight. I wish I would have checked in before the show so I could have listened for the lyrics in question *kicks self* I liked it.
  8. Why is it that the crowd in Rochester is always really annoying? For the same reason I moved away as soon as could!
  9. Ain't that the truth. I've never been to a festival, or on any vacation for that matter, that made me feel like this. I'm pretty sure I left my heart there. But it's sort of like leaving something behind at a new boyfriend's house on purpose - you have to go back to get it
  10. Hey everyone! I met some of you at The Hub Friday night and were going to come back, but I heard about the reservation problems - we didn't want to take up space... I loved the venue but agree that they will need to put the bigger acts out on Joe's Field. I couldn't get into The Autumn Defense due to the stage change, which was a bummer. There could have been more beer choices, BUT, all the things I hate about festivals were missing. You could easily wander from the sun to some shade or into the galleries. I didn't see a single person falling-down drunk. I read there was not a single i
  11. Can anyone from out that way recommend places to camp? I see that there's a few state parks around the area. $180/night for a poorly rated Holiday Inn is doesn't sound like nearly as much fun as camping with a bunch of Wilco nuts!
  12. I am so jealous of those of you that can hear it! Couldn't handle any more of the choppiness! Oh well, should go to bed anyway... Didn't Glenn pass the bong this way??
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