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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. Don't forget to check out the film someday - Far From The Madding Crowd (1967).
  2. Now that is funny. It appears on the screen at some point. It may be something Phil or Don said during the show.
  3. I saw that on Dime a Dozen - and of course - thought it must be on Youtube.
  4. Hippies With Money - The Everly Brothers In Australia (August 20th, 1971) (2 parts)
  5. Neil Young Comes Clean (long interview by way of the NY Times)
  6. A.M. and Being There are still my favorite Wilco albums. I don't see A.M. as being slicked up - but I am sure the record company was hoping they would have hits. Of course, that is the way it use to be back in the old timey days. I see A.M. as somewhat narrow sounding, and then Being There became wide. It's sort of like the difference between the first two Black Crowes albums. I don't much care for The Wallflowers or The Counting Crows. I don't think Wilco ever had that sort of gloss put on their music.
  7. I have a Nook and I rather like it. I don't really buy e-books though, I get them from the library. Something like the Rosie book, I would probably want in a physical format. It would be nice to see all those photos on paper. I figure she did it this way due to costs.
  8. A short interview with Rosie McGee about her book: 'Dancing with the Dead' Captures the Early Scene in Stories and Photos. The book is only available in e-book form. Some people don't seem to happy about that.
  9. King Animal (Album release November 16th 2012)
  10. I think it also has to do with the pacing of the show. The new ones seem fast, while the old ones seem slow. They also certainly made some of the old episodes way too long. I may make a list someday (although I am not a fan of lists anymore) of the episodes that have stuck out to me.
  11. He calls Gene "Mr. Kiss". They have wrote songs together.
  12. I would like to say I met the man - but that would be a lie. A local rock station DJ gave it to me. He got to meet him earlier in the day. Chris was quiet the loose cannon back in those days. I did buy a packet of incense (Manic Nirvana logo) at the show which got pretty smelly some years ago. I still have the container it came in, I think.
  13. I saw them on that tour. I have a Robert Plant signed cd from the show. Some of the band came out and played with Plant - if I recall correctly.
  14. There were other Dylan cds there, just not the new one. It could be they sold out of what they had in the racks.
  15. I was at Walmart earlier and noticed they did not have any copies of the new cd. I find that a bit strange.
  16. And the GD movie? I don't think I will buy this - but that would be cool to see it in a theater.
  17. Kelly Hogan - New Album and opening for Neko Case and Andrew Bird and Wilco
  18. The packaging is terrible though. You can (if they have not been yanked) find the tracks they left off on Youtube (the Royal Albert Hall bits and others).
  19. I don't recall - but I am sure that if they are going to put that show out, they have taken care of that.
  20. I watched most of the first episode of the new season. It was alright, I suppose. But - since I am now watching the Tom Baker years (which is where I began back in the early 1980s) I still say he is the best. Of course some of the stories and effects seem hokey now, but that is part of the magic to me. I don't think I will get finished this year, but I am still on course to watch every episode there is out there.
  21. I still don't recall a SBD of the actual show leaking. This is what I have:
  22. I think there is a Yahoo Group. There use to be several NY message boards - I think most of them are inactive now. Thrasher's Wheat is still active - of course. By way of Relix:
  23. I seem to recall reading that somewhere.
  24. I think I read somewhere that Charlie Is My Darling is coming out on DVD around the same time as the new documentary.
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