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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. From Billboard.com: I don't much care for Slayer, but this would be a show to see. I take it Dave and Metallica must have straightened out there differences.
  2. Speaking of Ratdog, I read somewhere the other day that they are going to play the entire Ace album at a show in Jamaica.
  3. And a version from Fallout from the Phil Zone (1997) recorded at the Fillmore East on January 2, 1970.
  4. Taper's Section (December 14 - December 20, 2009)
  5. The other day, I was watching some footage of a band on Youtube that had clearly been made by some people in the audience who knew what they were doing. It was really good. I think the only DVD I have from the The DVD Project is the Pittsburgh show I was at. I actually remember seeing people with camcorders at the show. I don't mind watching AUD shot video, if I can deal with the sound, and it is something I really want to see.
  6. OSHA did not exist until the early 1970s (if I recall correctly). It was a different world then.
  7. The difference being money, of course. As the band plans to sell the footage in some form or another. I guess that is another point, some bands get jacked up about money being made off of them by way of the AD revenue that Youtube collects. I think really the main thing Jeff is on about is the distraction. He notices the devices (whatever they are) pointing at him and the band, and it upsets him. I don't really understand the deal of knocking people for wanting to document things, but, as I have already said, there is a line there somewhere. As I spend time searching for Wilco AUD sou
  8. According to Billboard, U2 has the biggest numbers from the past year of touring: I wonder what each show cost them. From the videos I have seen, that gigantic claw thing must cost a lot to move around and set-up.
  9. I have not seen it up anywhere. Check The DVD Project site. or The Wilco Club (Spanish Wilco Fansite) We have an FM source for the same show at The Wilco Live Show Archive.
  10. I was wondering the same thing. There must be more.
  11. That was from the second RTR, I think. It took place in 1976. I think that footage is from Florida, and was used for the Hard Rain TV special. I suppose they cleaned up her language somewhat, as I recall, she dropped a lot of F-bombs in the Dylan documentary a few years ago. I was actually watching her take on Farewell, Angelina again on Youtube last night. What is interesting is that Dylan sort of apologizes to her in his brief interview segment. She also did a tour with him sometime in the early 1980s. (I may be off on the dates - but there was two RTR tours.) Ok, here we go -
  12. I think that is a good point. There is, of course a difference between a person shooting some "video" with a cell phone, and someone "filming" the show with a camcorder. I suppose that is why they have changed the wording in their policy statement a bit. That is, so both are covered. I understand Jeff getting upset, but I don't see it stopping. The venue can keep people from bringing in camcorders, but not cell phones. And then there is the issue of people constantly taking photos. I believe there is a line there somewhere, I guess everyone has to figure that out for themselves. Of course,
  13. Anthony Michael Hall is on Community tonight. Knock, Knock… my fist up your balls…
  14. Generic - That is the word I was looking for. After reading the U2 book I mentioned the other day, I am surprised he has any time to give to creating music at all.
  15. The Immortal (1970) Harry O (1974) Gemini Man (1976)
  16. The Live Anthology (4 CD) Boxset Amazon has this for 20 bucks. I might buy it for that price.
  17. Winter makes me think of The Hands That Built America.
  18. Wilco - Policies Although there are apparently some bands that allow fan video taping, the majority do not allow it. I suppose this has to do with the distractions that such equipment may cause, and/or the fact that people use to sell such things (just as they did live show audio tapes).
  19. I have been reading some reports that they are not exactly playing live on this tour. I have not heard any of the recent shows, so I can not say for sure.
  20. I had to learn just like everyone else. Once you mess with it and get it figured out, it is not so hard.
  21. You can find them all here: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Demos Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Engineer’s Demos
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