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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I don't think Austin City Limits features much country music these days.
  2. I think I have seen these on torrent sites - the ones they are not selling that is.
  3. I read that dude's blog everyday - he speaks his mind.
  4. The Official Neil Young YouTube Channel
  5. Lossy compression Lossless data compression I was yanking his chain a bit with the A.M. comment. I may post a lot of BS, but - I did help someome with BT stuff the other day, so that is saying something.
  6. All I am saying is - threads like this don't always go over well. I have seen it on other boards and on here. It's similiar to the threads that get started about the location of the loft. It would be even more than that - many of us have been around since 2002 - many of them before me. I began listeing to Wilco when A.M. came out - by the way. Also - people need to learn how to use the search function - at least that is what I was taught. And while we are it - people also need to stop posting Mp3's of shows.
  7. If you know their story - you would know that once upon a time they were involved in a religious group - except Adam.
  8. I know - just joking you. I do think they should retire.
  9. I once stood in front of that place for many many hours - and although we got upfront - there were some people near us that had just walked up as they opened the doors. Although - he did not get to meet Jeff.
  10. I once sat in a booth under Lita's framed underwear at The Hard Rock Cafe in Cleveland.
  11. You have a point there - I did not listen to any new bands except U2 until maybe 1985 - when I began listening to nothing but metal. After that, I went back to the "old stuff" - which is where I always return. I was never really a part of any social group in school or out for that matter.
  12. If you look around at other message boards, threads that have to do with band members personal lives are generally ridiculed, met with hostility, or something else. I recently saw some threads on another board that had to do with someone finding out where a band member lived - and how they were going "try and meet him". I suppose there is apoint where fan really becomes fanatic.
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