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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. That is sort of stupid - at least SBS flows.
  2. A thread on this topic from a while back.
  3. Well, it is certainly pieced together and I think it shows. I like Will To Love, Star of Bethlehem, Like A Hurricane, and maybe Hey Babe. Underneath the cd there is a big magic marker circle and also on the fold out sleeve there is the same circle. I am guessing it was part of the original artwork - although, I have never seen the album.
  4. Careful, he is the messiah on this board.
  5. I think that album is sort of a stinker - except for a few songs.
  6. right - I am waiting for the show I was at to pop up.
  7. As a new brother of The Knights Templar - I say, go in peace.
  8. Ryan board + links at the top to other Ryan boards/sites
  9. Whoever - why not just participate in a semi-intelligent discussion without commenting elsewhere. You are good at stating your views. If people don't care, they should leave it be.
  10. Maybe he is still not playing guitar then.
  11. Except for threads having to do with your music downloading deal, that is. Well, maybe not.
  12. That sounds like a sequel to Harley Davidson and The Marlboro Man.
  13. I will remove The Shun - to say thanks.
  14. Just like all the other threads here over the past 5 years - more or less.
  15. Maybe they could get some VW engineers to help people figure out how to get the bonus track off of the new cd.
  16. I guess his injury must not be that bad. Where Ms. Viatroy & I saw him, the capacity is 900 people - some print reviews stated that there were that many people there - but I don't think is correct.
  17. That's a game that people in cliques or groups do - I have never been into a scene, or clique or whatever. I rather like Rattle and Hum by the way - saw it in a theater - twice.
  18. My personal deal is - I just don't like to hear some song/band I am emtionaly connected with used in a commerical. One of my heros, Pete Townshend, takes people to task for jumping on him about this. I still don't like it though.
  19. I would think Jeff gets the money - although - I see some songwriting credits are being shared now.
  20. I think this thread is a good thing - you can only have so many Wilco is Awesome! threads. Like someone said - if a band has a big enough following to create a message board, then why not have discussions like this. Some people feel strongly, others want to joke around, and some want to be critical of the those who feel strongly/joke around. I have been all three. This is the pattern that usually happens here - for better or worse.
  21. Neil Young Archives Forum Does anyone know what the deal is with the black magic marker circle inside of American Stars 'n Bars?
  22. It seems that way - although, maybe someone with more information will say.
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