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Everything posted by augurus

  1. Second greatest track on there followed by All I Want. This album is still my favorite and best contender for album of the year.
  2. Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest I eagerly await to see them perform on stage tomorrow.
  3. I had hoped U2, Weezer, and Justin Bieber died in a plane crash. Maybe dying is a bit harsh. How about losing their vocal chords?
  4. I also started off October with that in the car.
  5. There's not a show near me so that I can buy his mixtape and this double LP! -(
  6. Klaxons - Surfing The Void Best album cover of the year.
  7. I wish they closed our show with About Today. I can't complain since we got them to play Ada and Racing Like A Pro (even if I'm not fond of the extremely repetitive latter and the most cringeful awful National lyric that comes with it).
  8. late/early EDIT: Shit Robot - From The Cradle To The Rave
  9. David Andrew Sitek's self-titled debut album. You may remember him from such albums as Fever To Tell, Return To Cookie Mountain, and Alice's Adventure Through The Windshield Glass (oh crap, it's actually a band name?).
  10. What this is about is more or less how the funders of the college threatened to pull funding from Calvin College. The real question, as suggested by someone else on MeFi, is "who are actually the customers of universities, students or their parents?" If you look at the press release from Calvin College, these parents have embarrassed the faculty/administration and left them dumbfounded.
  11. Can someone explain to me why this album so boring, even in comparison to their previous mediocre album? I guess it really is up to me now... EDIT: Dungen - Skit I Allt
  12. Taking note of Solace's recommendation naooo.
  13. Neon Indian : Psychic Chasms / Mind Ctrl: Psychic Chasms Possessed
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