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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. This is a great album one of my all time favorites, though possibly not their most accessible. I would actually say one of their newer albums--Sonic Nurse would be a pretty good place to start, but maybe that's me. Daydream Nation would certainly be a great album to own. I also really like Murray Street.
  2. I agree, I don't think those alone would cover it, but a brief search of Amazon's books seems to give at least a handful of well-written (if maybe a little hard to find) books on alternative country, and plenty more on country more in general. You could probably get them through inter-library loan from somewhere I'm also pretty sure that if you're focusing in on specific artists/bands lyrics and quotes from interviews would be equally valid sources to draw upon, though you might want to check with your prof to make sure. I would certainly consider them valuable.
  3. Probably. Though it does mean more competition and that can't hurt in this market.
  4. Do you have access to Jstor? If so, a quick search of "alt-country" "uncle tupleo" and "gram parsons" turned up a handful of results (not a lot but a few). I would guess there's not a ton of scholarly work on this stuff, but definitely some out there.
  5. Exactly. Plus the concert films and stuff could be neat on occasion, I'm interested to see what happens.
  6. I'm in this same boat. I do think it is a good album, and maybe it's just because I haven't been completely emotionally blown over by the album, but I just don't rank this one up in my top tier of favorite albums. For emotional content/passion Coltrane's "A Love Supreme" easily knocks over Aeroplane for me.
  7. My only real problem with it is that it does follow a sort of patronage system which can lead to exclusivity and can hurt other artists who don't have an established patron to rely on...if that becomes the business model. As single artists I think this is a great practice, and hey you've got to make money somehow, this isn't bad at all.
  8. Well it doesn't hurt the artist at all, they just don't end up making any money off of the album. On the other hand buying used albums from local/independent stores does help them. ...and it's always fun flipping through used albums
  9. I thought I saw something similar with a jazz artist a little while back, basically they had different offers in exchange for $$$. I guess it's kinda cool, I don't know that it would really appeal to me (much as I do like Kristin Hersh/Throwing Muses) but it might be fun for hardcore fans for sure. I don't see how it's hurting anyone, but I agree I'd feel better about it if the whole deal was for a benefit or something.
  10. I will be at Des Moines, definitely will be around the Val Air before the show to get a good spot, but afterwards I'm gonna have to head back to Grinnell since I have mid-semesters starting that week But I definitely hope to see lots of awesome people there. Blueyedsoul-I kept forgetting to ask you where the coffee shop was since...oh...I don't know, forever? I'll definitely make a point to stop by sometime. It's not too far of a hike for me.
  11. This is really my main concern. I think Nader's done some great stuff in his day for consumer rights, etc. and I don't like the two party system...but when it comes down to it the election may be pretty close and Nader's inclusion in the race could make things more difficult for the Democratic candidate. I don't know, I think the guys kind of proved his point on the whole presidential race thing, I'd rather he went back to doing more constructive work for real people. Yes.
  12. Des Moines is kind of in the middle of nothing else, but you do get to see me... ...maybe that's why it's not sold out
  13. I really love the horn flourishes on this one.
  14. They will play until they have finished the entire catalog
  15. All the AM rockers are sounding great with this lineup.
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