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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. WOW! That's all I can say. Here's big happy birthday wishes to two of VC's leading ladies!
  2. Yeah BMI/ASCAP can basically charge for any sort of playing of music beyond strictly your own usage. I don't know how aggressively they go after hold music, stores, or other areas, but I do know that they have on occasion targeted bars/restaurants in order to rake in the $$$ and Muzak has certainly profited from the whole deal by being able to work their way into the system. On the plus side at least BMI/ASCAP money is going to composers/musicians in the end.
  3. I know someone in Grinnell too (Ps. now I know how long customs/etc. takes...woah!) Still haven't received anything yet, but hey it's not February yet...
  4. Hey guys thanks! Had a wonderful birthday with relatives and the like, get to party again with the parents this weekend...woooo double presents Anyway, thanks a bunch you're all wonderful
  5. I'm still awaiting mine. No worries though.
  6. Uninstall, download, reinstall?
  7. Wow, like many I don't know what to say to this. I will be listening to some O'Rourke and XTC today in her memory, I never met her but she seemed like a wonderful person from her posts here and from all accounts, and I do recall fonldy all the pictures of her tinfoil sculptures. RIP.
  8. Apparently we're "super" compatible I'll recommend local favorites: Death Ships and Mouthful of Bees http://www.last.fm/user/deepseacatfish/
  9. Yeah, I actually didn't expect things to go the way they did, but there's still a whole lot of other states left.
  10. Let's see, there were a lot more people at the caucus than I expected (seeing as how small Grinnell is), it was pretty low-key for the most part, lots of older folks etc. Nobody had any interest in Dodd, Biden and Richardson had a handful, Kucinich had two people I was most surprised with the 1st tier dudes/dudettes, Obama took our precinct by a pretty decent margin, followed closely by Edwards, but Clinton was barely a viable candidate which kinda surprised me...but then again she was the only major candidate who didn't come to Grinnell proper. There wasn't a whole lot of shouting and
  11. Mine is off in the mail as of yesterday, I have not received yet though. No worries though
  12. Also deepseacatfish is running late so someone else will have to get a late present
  13. Yes, the good/bad night of over consumption of Natural Ice/Icehouse/Keystone Light is probably a must...if only for the potential stories.
  14. Rogue (Oregon)--Dead Guy Ale, Mocha Porter New Belgium Brewing (Colorado)--Fat Tire, Black Ale Surly (Minneapolis)--Furious Ale [you won't be able to get this outside of MN, I don't think] Bell's (Michigan)--Two Hearted Ale, Oberon Pyramid (Washington State)--Apricot Weizen Millstream (Iowa)--Schildbrau [Local favorite, can't get this out of state either] Solid standbys: Goose Island Honker's Ale, Summit Extra Pale Ale, Blue Moon, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Boulevard Wheat Beer, Guinness, Sam Adams Boston Lager, Red Hook ESB.
  15. Woah what, I totally voted, you can check my record.
  16. Insurance stays in my wallet, though I usually keep a copy in the car. Registration I keep at home, with a copy in the car as well. Haven't had any trouble with that.
  17. To everyone, especially those without tickets: I think Lammycat is right on the money here, and I can totally sympathize with Oceanman. It's sad that such an exciting block of shows has to become a dissatisfying mess over tickets. I don't really have anything to offer you all but my sympathy and good wishes, hopefully those of you who want to go can get tickets in the end without breaking the bank. I can't make it to the Chicago shows this time around but I am looking forward to reading all the reviews, etc. just like with the living-room shows. If you end up coming to Des Moines I'd
  18. Discussion of opener in another thread Yeah, I don't know if this will sell out completely, but hey that's one advantage to Iowa. Smaller venues, etc. as long as bands actually decide to stop by.
  19. I did actually listen to this. It's got a pretty sweet groove. I prefer Fela Kuti, but hey this is still pretty sweet.
  20. Wiper vibes dude. Grinnell Iowa is not a den of thieves, but I did have a window smashed by (I'm assuming) some drunken persons. So it goes.
  21. 1. Exact to Me--The Sea and Cake 2. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi--Radiohead 3. Race: In--Battles 4. Nothin No--David Vandervelde 5. In Silence--Low
  22. Low was a fantastic opener, I would assume they will have support...but then again I haven't been to a Wilco show where I haven't liked the opening band. I don't bite, just ask Ms. Yvon
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