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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Murmur and Document stand out as my favorites.
  2. Congrats! I bet that's an awesome feeling
  3. Yes. But I definitely want my milk to be pasteurized, my mom scared the fear of bacteria into me (she likes to worry bout things a lot).
  4. Maytag Blue Cheese--a local blue that is grand. I don't get this nearly enough. My general favorite is Brie, but you can't go wrong with cheeses.
  5. While I'm not sure of the setup this sounds like a good way to buy up a lot of venues tickets before they're available to the general public...and then to resell them at higher prices. Blech. I can't imagine I'd pay that much money for something like this.
  6. I'm with Ikol and Bjorn on this. Good job California.
  7. It's relatively old, I'm not sure exactly how many years...but yeah. I'm going to have somebody take a look at it later this week. The pops/crackles are pretty slight, but definitely there. There is a little background hum/noise to the amp that I'm just assuming is part of its character. We'll see. Thanks for the help though
  8. So I just had the good fortune of picking up a used Pro Junior off of an uncle of mine who was no longer in need of it. I was definitely excited about this, and it's my first tube amp so that's doubly cool. I just got it yesterday and it sounds pretty great, but I did notice that it had some pops, crackles, etc. even when it was just sitting and idling. So my question is, for those who know...is it just the tubes, or should I have someone take a look at it? I'm not exactly sure when the tubes were last changed out...I think probably a while ago, but it also hasn't been played for a while.
  9. Yup. I just hope this doesn't get too much messier before then.
  10. I don't own too many of these, but I do watch the DVDs on occasion. It's a nice extra bonus, but I'm more likely to just want to listen to the music.
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