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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. I'm definitely looking forward to the album, should be neat!
  2. I didn't really think much of "Skinny Love" at first, but I really liked the band live and that pushed me over the edge. I dunno that it's my favorite album of the year, but it's good, definitely.
  3. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=36141
  4. I will be there on Friday and Saturday. Definitely not as stellar a lineup as previous years...but we'll see there's still a good handful of bands I want to catch. And I'm definitely going to be catching the Hold Steady.
  5. But do they provide bacon on the job? Ps. I don't have cable, otherwise I might tune in.
  6. The problem is the number of variables involved. You could calculate an estimate...but you would have to know... The number of tickets needed out of the number of tickets total. The average chance that someone does not attend the concert and is willing to sell a ticket. And then the chance you have of purchasing that ticket. And likely some more complexities to those variables...but we'll skip that. So theoretically if you need 1 ticket, you have a 1 in 3000 chance that it is the seat next to yours. If the chance of someone not attending the concert and selling is 1 in 50 And if the cha
  7. Oooh, kittens! Good luck with the whole baby-ing thing.
  8. I'd probably still eat it unless it looked visibly moldy. You could always cook it into something too.
  9. I saw them about 4 years ago with Earlimart, it was a pretty sweet show. Have fun
  10. Just recently picked this up. I like it, definitely. It's consistently interesting and while it doesn't necessarily have the highs/hooks of some of his other stuff I think it will stay in rotation for a while with me. Chemtrails is a sweet tune.
  11. I just don't understand why the companies don't try and setup this content so they can make the adverti$ing dollars off of it instead of youtube/google, etc. Some of them do, but the vast majority of the content that would be "illegal" that I watch/watched through youtube was long out of print or quite hard to come by. I would welcome buying a high-quality copy but it's awesome to watch while it doesn't exist.
  12. Personally I think this will be used more as a scare tactic than an actual grounds for lots-o-lawsuits. Sure they could try suing everyone who ever watched an "illegal" clip, but I can't imagine they would do that. Even the RIAA knows to sue only choice people--cases they will settle and win. If you try going after everyone the legal mess is just too much.
  13. Wow, this is excellent news on all fronts!
  14. 1. Wilco-Yankee Hotel Foxtrot 2. John Coltrane-A Love Supreme 3. The Beatles-White Album 4. Steve Reich-Music for 18 Musicians 5. Radiohead-OK Computer 6. Califone-Quicksand/Cradlesnakes 7. XTC-Skylarking 8. The Beatles-Revolver 9. Brian Eno-Another Green World 10. David Bowie-Heroes 11. REM-Murmur 12. David Bowie-Low 13. Yo La Tengo-I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One 14. Sonic Youth-Daydream Nation 15. Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention-We
  15. This thread rocks. Now I have something to read at work today
  16. Yep, Cedar Rapids (and anywhere along the Cedar river) really got the nasty end of the Iowa flooding.
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