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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Get better soon, I have an uncle who is in a similar situation and has been in and out of the hospitals more times than I'd like to recall. We're rooting for you.
  2. Thanks guys, I think I'm taken care of
  3. Woah, quick turnaround. If anyone would be kind enough, I would love to get a YSI of this show, my network doesn't allow any sort of torrent stuff
  4. Things that are wrong... More interest in convenience/cheapness than anything else whether it be in products, services, or anything. Less investment in cooperative interests than personal interests. In my mind most things stem out of that, if this country thought more cooperatively we wouldn't have issues with universal health-care, homelessness, and likely crime as well. There are more things I'm sure, but I just think it's a quality that isn't nearly stressed or reinforced enough. Convenience can be a good thing, but I think it also leads people to be lazy. Not buying local foods b
  5. Bit rate does matter substantially, just compare 64kbps with 128kbps and you'll see a huge difference. The farther you go up the less "noticeable" the difference will be. On standard systems and headphones most listeners probably won't notice any substantial differences in audio quality with anything at about 128kbps or above, but there are significant pieces of the music missing. I rip at 192kbps which for most purposes sounds fine to me, however, it is noticeable when I am listening to actual albums in higher fidelity settings that there is a fuller, more complete sound. That said, obvi
  6. Just got around to downloading this. My first impression is that I really like it, sounds very organic compared to Hail to the Thief, definitely liking it more so far.
  7. Ted came off as really genuinely friendly and great when I met him after they came to Grinnell a couple years back. I hope things get better for him.
  8. You guys covered the setlist nicely! Andrew Bird played a nice short set himself and had to take off to head for Indianapolis (which was too bad because it seemed like he might have made an appearance for Jesus Etc. had he been around). Wilco was in top form, I was right below Nels--who was goofy and wild and having a great time. Pat was busting out the rock moves left and right and Jeff seemed to be really enjoying the whole thing. Too Far Apart was fantastic, and definitely showed the band at a rocking peak. It was great to see It's Just That Simple, and Outtasite was a perfect close t
  9. Ms Yvon! Hurray! I'll be there, but I'm a music major, so I'm throwing all yer stats.
  10. I really wasn't a big fan of presidential candidate version Al Gore, but the environmentalist Al Gore is a much more practical, human, and reasonable person who I think has done a lot to advance general awareness and initiatives to do something about global warming. Say what you will, but I salute the guy for that. If he ran for president again I'd smack him.
  11. The Beatles-White Album Definitely the first record I remember playing over and over. It's an album that's just grown with me as I've gotten older and have understood more about it. There's always something new to find in it and the huge range of the album is its beauty. John Coltrane-A Love Supreme An album that I think everybody should own. I had heard jazz live before and appreciated it, but this was my first jazz album. It's an absolutely amazing piece of music and probably the most transcendent example of jazz that I've ever heard. Wilco-Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Not only did this albu
  12. Yeah, that's true. I think in the case of AGIB O'Rourke definitely had that sort of a role, I can't remember what he's credited as there.
  13. Ob-la-di Ob-la-da. Definitely my least favorite, and I adore the rest of the album.
  14. I've got a spare futon mattress (Speed Racer could even attest to this)
  15. Well technically Sky Blue Sky is produced by Wilco, it was mixed by Jim Scott (?) I think, though. It seems to me like in the case of (recent) Wilco records, the mixing fulfills more of the final production process, and the band really just guides the rest of it.
  16. It's about time for a new cooking thread, at least that's what I think. Feel free to share your edible delights and I'll be sure to share mine. Oh and Rachel Ray isn't invited. Tonights Dish: Curried black beans and wild rice The ingredients: Black beans, wild rice, cucumber, chives, (spicy) green pepper, garlic, curry powder, ground ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, cumin, and lime. Many of these can be easily substituted, and often I like to add chicken or other meats to this. The chives, cucumber, and lime should sit in the fridge until the very end to keep cold and fresh. Everythi
  17. Nice. Yeah, I think it is hard to let go of an album for an artist and stick it in somebody else's hands. Sometimes things benefit the most from really drastic changes, other times it's just those little sound tweaks that can make or break the whole sound. Having someone you trust is probably the most important bit, and certainly experience can't help (and neither can a really finely tuned ear). I think one area where producers can be more aware than artists is in terms of spacing, both in the whole album sense and in how much "space" there is in a given song with panning and number of ins
  18. Eh, I kind of disagree here. I think the role of a good producer is not only just to color a song so it sounds more interesting (or conversely more boring) but they also should be in a position to make suggestions as to the whole nature of the songs and the songwriting process. I think the best producers are those people who are intuitively able to hear a greater sound of an entire "album" in the rough sketches of songs that are presented to them. It's not only being able to fit together the pieces of songs to bring out their best elements, but also fitting together songs to create cohesio
  19. Teh awesome. Oh, and welcome new dude!
  20. The White Album takes the cake every time.
  21. Awesome. Thanks, I own Village Green and Muswell Hillbillies, but I'll look to pick up the rest
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