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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. yes, because cellphones are the instruments of the devil. whee-hoo.
  2. I charge my RAZR evey few days and that's w/ pretty decent use. One helpful hint, there are usually battery saving settings you can put your handset on that help a lot...you should make sure you've got it set correctly to get the maximum.
  3. Personally, i'd go w/ classic black and i don't think we've done a red RAZR...we've got a Fire Red KRAZR, but no RAZR for VZW. The (Project) RED V3m I launched is w/ US Cellular and Sprint only. i'd fucking love to work on joint phone w/ adidas designers, but not yet.
  4. Good luck w/ that...you think that the battery life is bad on a RAZR? Whoo-hee. Also, all the web-based/multimedia/downloading is going to take forever since it won't be enabled for Cingular/ATT's 3G network and that thing is going to be so smudged up after the first day of use due to the materials they are using. Seriously, a cool concept...but i'd suggest waiting until they iron out all the glaring bugs that initial launch is going to experience. Take off the rose colored glasses before buying one and really look at what you're getting. Just a suggestion. I'd ask buy or shop.com...I h
  5. Three times? Really. Were the phones being used by gorillas? Again, you'd have to flip these open insanely hard to have that happen. If somebody is that rough on their phones, they should go w/ a Nextel unit designed for guys on construction sites. Battery life is always an issue on these phones due to the thinness, but we do offer an extended battery that totally bulks up the phone if that's your bag. Again, it's based on how much you use the phone...if you're on it all the time, you're going to burn through the juice.
  6. take into consideration that, wrong or right, an 11 year old is a teenager in Hollywood years.
  7. Nope, we're using different connectors now. I had nothing to do w/ that phone. Latest one I personally launched was this: This is not a dig, but it amazes me when I see people saying they are on their second one of these or any other phone...I don't just say this because they pay my mortgage, but i've never had one crap out on me. Take care of the phone and it should keep treating you right...our quality/durability testing is way more stringent than the Samsungs and LG's. Just sayin.
  8. obviously, i'm a little biased and i'm going to tell you to go w/ the RAZR. really, it depends on how much you do w/ your phone, G. Looks like the LG unit is being billed as a multimedia phone (MP3, mobile video, etc.)...but outside of the outside keys for playback on the flip, they both have comparable stats in that department. Both have the same 1.3MP camera, both look to have expandable memory, etc. However, that LG unit looks a little ugly... ...also looks really thick too. I can slide my RAZR i nthe front or back pocket of my jeans and not look like i'm too happy to see somebod
  9. 'getting the strange' I hear you, a-man...the whole love triangle (or square) thing is kind of lame. That said, even though you're a vegetarian...you gotta' appreciate the patties on kate, eh?
  10. Personaly, I could without the romantic mind games as well - although - I suppose it is a set-up to show the definition of Kate's ass/abs. I'm okay w/ that.
  11. sam, can i recreate 'Live from Budokan' in it's entirety? if so, consider this my RSVPmochachacalata.
  12. A-man, if you can find a coupld of screen caps of Kate getting dressed from last night's episode...i'll yousendit a veggie burrito as trade. My guess is that the chick who fell from the sky was sent by Desmond's lady to find him and I too enjoy the whole Desmond storyline...even though I have no clue what the hell is going on it. Sidebar: NEW HEROES STARTS MONDAY! These two shows have been locked in mortal combat for my top spot this year...part of me is actually more excited for Heroes actually.
  13. 00s: Wilco - YHF Beulah - The Coast Is Never Clear 90s: Public Enemy - Fear of a Black Planet Wilco - Summerteeth 80s: The Replacements - Tim The Pixies - Doolittle 70s: The Clash - London Calling KISS - KISS 60s: Beatles - Revolver Beatles - Sgt. Peppers.
  14. ...because all of these other lists aren't biased to personal tastes and made up using absolute science. Oh...the humanity.
  15. I saw that one on the overall list a while back...I also dig that Mike has a message board.
  16. She may have lead an interesting life worthy of a book, but my guess is (after seeing the non-disclosure on her payday) it's worth a lot more to Crown than before.
  17. I read an article this morning that stated his parents did call the school to express concern he was suicidal around one of the times he was admitted into a mental health facility. Like Dreamin' Judy said, I really do feel horrible for his folks and, much like M. Chris, I can say that dealing w/ a family member w/ mental/substance abuse issues is one of the most frsutrating things in life to deal w/...as you really do hope for some silver bullet to make them better and there isn't one.
  18. It's not just the cost of the LED signs, but the infrastructure/staff/policies to update them. I also agree that they indeed provide some sort of warning, but it also incites panic and the resulting chaos could make the situatuion much worse. I think the whole en masse SMS push to student/faculty cellphones is a much more feasible idea. Really, nobody has an absolute answer...becuase there isn't one. Unfortunately, when you've got a guy willing to die...he's capable of alot of damage before you even understand there is something to warn your students about. I really don't see what they could
  19. spend $10 more and Spencer Tweedy will mow your lawn. wow.
  20. the demo version was spelled Qamera.
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