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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. It should and it most definitely should change the symantics of how it's being discussed...that he 'preyed' or 'seduced' or whatever. Does it absolve him of the fact that his actions are the complete opposite of his public/politcal stance/statements? Nope. Does it absolve him of the fact that it's a complete lack of ethics relative to the postion he's in? Nope.
  2. I already explained myself, but while we're asking questions: Would you hold a 16-year-old to the same standard as a 12-year-old? Explain your answer.
  3. Stereotypes are only perpetuated by republicans, 'red staters', neocons and the religious right. much like only white people can be racist.
  4. sorry to sell you short like that. carry on.
  5. In this day/age and as mature as someone who at age 16 is forced to be....probably not as much as it used to. Not a 50/50 morally equivalency, but it's relevant. Frankly, i'd kick both their asses if said avances were unrequited...i'd kick all THREE if she had encouraged it at all, obvious reprecussions be damned.
  6. ...me saying that post was borderline creepy?
  7. he sent me some music a couple of times and was a good man. i'm sure he's fine.
  8. i called my folks downstate, we're clear to visit any time. thanks!
  9. the horticultarlist? how come things didn't work?
  10. Is the teen in either situation encouraging it and/or reciprocating?
  11. See, I think that what you see on TV/FILM/The Web even after the FCC fallout would dictate otherwise, but whatever. These are ludicrous, but could somebody post up w/ all the equally stupid/disruptive decisions made in schools under the auspices of political correctness?
  12. I'm sorry this is so late, but our sincerest condolensces to the entire Tweedy family. All our prayers. Kevin, Yvette, Owen & Logan
  13. That pretty much sums up the last 2-3 years i've known him.
  14. cool. thanks again, Dane. sorry to ask so many questions.
  15. man, it's too bad sir stewart is married.
  16. Dane, have you ever at any time uttered or typed the phrase: 'every now and again i like a little herb w/ my sauce'?
  17. personally, even at it's worst...it's still 10X more interesting than 90% of what's currently on TV. looking forward to it. i'm going to watch this in bikini made of cool whip.
  18. that is one fantastic sack! well done!
  19. I got the 1000 handsets to the DC in time, so if Oprah and bono get pissed at anybody, it ain't going to be me. Fick: Have you enjoyed any hot nuts as of late? I haven't asked you in a while.
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