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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. judges rule that point given on the "Bush Administration
  2. okay, now it has become a "Bush Administration
  3. the transformation in mariel hemingway's nude scenes in: to:
  4. absolutely. if i could legitimately use the 'well, at least i didn't dismantle the constituion' defense in my day to day actions...well, i'd be into some fucked up stuff, is my guess.
  5. once i got past PE doing 'it takes' in it's entirety...the rest of the list just soudned like charlie brown's teacher talking in my head. seeing PE at their peak back in '91, i'm not too sure how this'll come off for me...it's still pretty cool though.
  6. that may be the most innappropriately funny e-pic since:
  7. you could be right...i never really gave it much thought. huckabee's stance on certain issues, based on his religious views or not, were enough of a reason not to vote for him. people who speak to their faith openly don't bother me...i don't find it offensive unless that expression includes the belittlement or oppression of others in it's context.
  8. no doubt...like it or not, the reality is that it still plays a huge part of judging a candidates charachter for a lot of folks on both sides of the fence. personally, for me, it doesn't really sway me one way or the other...unless, as i stated earlier, it creates a differing opinion in the actual issues. the other reality is, that more often than not, most folks come to daily struggles w/ how their religous views intertwine w/ day to day life...sometimes there is a conflict and you have to lean on your own personal relationship w/ God to work through them to a point you feel you are on the
  9. i understand what you are saying, but that kind of makes an assumption that all or, at least, a large % of 'obama supporters' have a problem w/ a candidate being religious/christian. going back to what i said about faith influencing how one makes decisions versus their chosen religious doctrine making the decisions for them, the fundamental difference between said supporters comparing obama to a GW or Huckabee is likely one of policy. meaning, at least from my standpoint, obama's relgious beliefs are not causing a conflicted stance on certain issues w/in the democratic platform...unlike W and
  10. agnostic and atheist are two different things...if you have an issue w/ someone in office having belief in a higher power, you'd figure it would concern you, centerpiece or not. as far as obama, i don't know that i would call his faith a 'centerpiece' of his campaign, at least (most importantly) in how it affects his stance on the issues. his religious faith has become even more of an issue for him relative to the public misconception he is muslim...in some cases being used improperly as a deterrent for people to vote for him. if anything, the flyer above is probably equal part damage contro
  11. Is Nader still a practicing Catholic?
  12. the day i made it all the way through that (at the showbiz pizza near by my house nonetheless) provided me w/ the same level of accomplishment as my HS graduation. and KABUKI!
  13. i would like to formally thank those who posted up w/ the burger chef, joker
  14. late to comment on this, but I laughed my ass off too. i must have heard oberweis ads slamming Foster ever day for weeks on the news radio i listen to on the way home from work. anyhow, is it just me or is shit getting a little to tense in the primaries? meaning, the he said/she said infighting feels like it's going to end up biting the entire party on the ass sooner or later. i know it is nature of the beast to some extent, but shit like this is detracting from actually rallying against the known opponent in mccain...
  15. A perfect blend of biography and collected works of (arguably) the most influential artist in the comic book genre.
  16. anybody who can get someone to pay them $5500 for the hibbity jibbity deserves to be considered above the law. if your p**sy is that good and all.
  17. sweet jesus, i just fell out of my chair.
  18. the ivy league yacht look doesn't matter that much to me, that part of my crtique was more observation than anything. however, the 'goofy' style in their performance and vocals proved annoying to me...what can i say, i like their recorded work and don't like them live.
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