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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. you'd be surprised at how these things can keep going after some crazy situations. that said, liquid damage is usually not a good thing. keep an eye on it, even if it seems like it's working...it may not for long and, unfortunately, it won't be covered by the warranty (chemical, physical and liquid damage do not apply). good luck!
  2. just drank: full throttle blue raspberry
  3. you are completely missing the point...and please explain how i personally sent the troops to the middle east.
  4. so, i personally sent those troops to the middle east and to rectify the situation, shouldn't pay my taxes? don't those tax dollars also fund programs here at home that actually help and educate people? like the AIDS epidemic in africa?
  5. sam, can you play 'the flame' by cheap trick and dedicate it: 'to daniel, from dr. strange'
  6. no, but you said his sheer act of living somehwere is causing all of them.
  7. your netflix is coming out? good luck w/ that one...i have a feeling you won't really like it. i barely did and i'm an idiot.
  8. US Earnings Average - $19.29 per Hour Service Workers - $11.31 Management/Professional - $31.45 Sales/Office - $15.46 Production/Transportation/Material Moving - $14.78 Occupational Wages in the US, 2006. Interesting reading, especiall ywhen they start to break the jobs in each category down.
  9. piling on... US Earnings Average - $19.29 per Hour Service Workers - $11.31 Management/Professional - $31.45 Sales/Office - $15.46 Production/Transportation/Material Moving - $14.78 Occupational Wages in the US, 2006. Interesting reading, especiall ywhen they start to break the jobs in each category down.
  10. ...in which a % doesn't seem to a symptom of poverty, but a self-imposed contributor (credit card debt, gambling, prison records, etc.). plus, some of those stats aren't flushed out to justify the picture this is obviously trying to paint (home subsidies for example) and don't acknowledge any of the declines. why did all those kids drop out of high school? because of poverty or...? c'mon, man. i'm posting legitimate census info and you are posting something from a site w/ bohemian in the URL.
  11. 5.2% hold multiple jobs, down from 5.3% last year.
  12. Good point, B. So, yeah, not saying that everying is hunky dory...but let's get all the REAL stats out on the table. Should I look up how many people are actually working 2-3 jobs? and did you see my posts on State and City minimums?
  13. just to further level-set, are you taking into consideration the State minimum wages, a lot of which are higher than the federal? then, in some certain cities, there is one higher than State. throw in the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 that will raise the federal minimum wage to $6.55 per hour on July 24, 2008, and to $7.25 per hour on July 24, 2009.
  14. ...when talking turkey on poverty rate as well, reference page 11. went down a hair from 2005 and down 10% since they started looking at it in 1959. also has the section on health coverage. how may employers actually pay the minum wage vesus more?
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